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  • if you're sure it's that particular event (the crash doesn't happen if you disable that event)

    please post your cap or a screenshot of that area of events and someone may be able to help you more easily

  • <font color=red>Update 3/23/12:</font>

    At long last, Spriter Beta Free Version release to Scirra and Brashmonkey board members this coming week! The price will be increase to a $25 beta version price at that time, so now is the last time to grab it at the current price (once all pro features are fully implemented, and it's been battled tested as stable, the final price will be announced and take effect). We wanted to give you one last warning of the price change, but if you can afford to wait, we'd prefer you to wait until next week's release as we will be starting a funding campaign on the same day as well, and a pledge of $25 or more will get you your pro version of Spriter, and help us reach are funding goal. Kickstarter is all or nothing crowdfunding. If we don't reach our pledge goal we get no funding, so we'll be needing all your help not only in the form of pledges, but also in spreading the word to any developers, animators, and even gamers who want to see more great looking 2d games coming out, especially if you're an active or well known member of a community or forum that specializes in one of these areas. Spriter won't just be a Construct and Construct 2 tool. The idea will be to get Spriter supported on every major gaming platform and engine. We will be doing some of this ourselves, and third party developing of extensions for other game engines has already begun as well.

    We will be announcing Spriter's full feature set, as well as our potential future feature set if we get enough funding to take Spriter beyond it's current scope. A few of you might be pleasantly surprised and/or amazed at what's in the cards for Spriter. We've worked very hard over the past 6 months to make Spriter as awesome as possible, but there's still a bit to do to get it from beta to 1.0, from polishing the pro features, to fixing the bugs that will inevitably rear their ugly heads once hundreds or thousands of users get ahold of something. This process will be much quicker with a fully funded Spriter. Spriter's come very far from it's humble beginnings in November. I left my fulltime job to work on Spriter. I've been funding this development time out of pocket, and sacrificed 4 years off the end of my life with caffeine, because I believe in this project, and I think it's something developers have wanted for a long time, and not just us Scirrans. This is a labor of love, and I'd like to continue to respond to every "could you make it so when you press this it does that" with an immediate "YES!!" and for that we're going to need your help.

    So get your trigger fingers ready to click on every like, favorite, and share button we can throw at you. We're putting the finishing touches on our Kickstarter video, and preparing the Kickstarter site with as much information as possible. Once again, the full Spriter feature set is supremely wonderous, but the feature set for what we can do if we go beyond our funding goal will blow your minds. Thank you everyone for your patience and support, and to those who have already purchased Spriter, worry not. Everything that has been promised will be delivered. The funding is to help get everything to you as quickly as possible, as well as everything you'll learn about next week. Thanks again everyone!

  • PS: I noticed this figure on the front page of Game Develop. Wasn't this similar to the Classic Construct RPG game characters?

    <img src="" border="0" />

    you'll probably end up seeing that a few more places as well. it's a free image pack someone made

  • Darkflow, namco's lawyer called

  • me neither tl22, I know "soon" is a word I've been tossing around alot, but still doing the last minute preparations. it's gonna be so awesome!!! :)

  • the % was a typo, it's actually supposed to say "About 13 of vendors actually make $100k or more selling their apps on our store."

    joking aside, I'm curious how these webapps perform, though blackberry's audience is alot more business based. Also, this seems like it might just be a desperate attempt at too little too late recapturing the market. This is like the first mention of blackberry I've heard in years

  • Visual issues like this in or out of construct are driver issues 99% of the time. Have you updated to the latest drivers? If not you should be able to find them at, or if you want to test bleeding edge drivers sometimes guru3d has beta drivers of upcoming versions before nvidia and amd begin hosting them

  • i think it might actually be a better idea to have a button on the image dialogue that allows you to choose a color to generate a solid square. in my years of using construct classic, I only ever used the image editor to create placeholder squares and stick figures. any in-construct image editor could never replace any construct user's image editor of choice (nor should that even be the goal), but the convenience of creating a placeholder image without having to even minimize the construct ide to test an idea was always important for workflow.

  • UncleJey, what are you using there for debugging? firebug doesn't work quite that nicely

  • Try Construct 3

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  • <img src="" border="0" />

  • right, just to make sure it's clear cuz of the variety of answers

    Construct Classic is programmed in c++. the runtime runs compiled c++. you make games using events, and you have the option to use python for scripting, and you can make plugins for it using c++

    Construct 2, I'm not sure what it's programmed in. I think maybe C++ or C#, or maybe visual basic as someone said. you make games using events. the runtime runs in html5/javascript/webgl.   it has no in editor scripting as of now, and you can make plugins for it using javascript

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