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  • hi The solution to the ball of sprites will also solve the resizing thing. I have some major bugs to fix with copy paste, but I anticipate (this isn't written in stone yet), that I will do a hotfix for the copy paste bugs, and then Spriter b3 will have the collision boxes, and then I will update the plugin as well. Again there's too many variables for this to be a guarantee, but it's the basic roadmap.

  • Thanks Alisa (and Kyatric, though we already spoke in chat),

    Yes, all future versions will work with the plugin. I'm going to work a way to fix the ball of sprites problem for the next public build, and forward the extra info to Ashley to implement it into the editor. I think I figured out a good way to do it without compromising the file format.

    Also, very excited about the upcoming feature set. The rest of the features are the real game changers. Particularly the top secret 1.x featureset. Getting ahead of myself though.

    Everyone please remember, if there's anything aside from the ball of sprites and reimporting issues, please report any bugs and feature wishlists.

    <font size="1">PS: Just realize the typo with the thread topic name date: 4/25/1313. Talk about development hell. :)</font>

  • you're not bothering me at all. I love talking about Spriter. Not having a way to reload an animation yet has been the number one complaint/thing that people think is missing to keep the plugin from feeling complete and useable in a serious large project. This will require a bit of work from Ashley (as there's nothing built into c2 that does anything like this) so it was kinda on the long term todo list last time I spoke to him about it. Since a few people have asked and it's been a while, I'll bring it up to him again next time I see him online.

  • Zharzew, I was just speaking with Ashley about this recently (the plugin is a collaboration of c2 program things, and the plugin itself). Ashley need s few things from me to get those features working (viewing the assembled character in the layout editor in c2), and I will get to that as soon as I release the next beta version of Spriter in the next few days

  • Zharzew tutorials coming soon. Video tutorials in fact, just approaching 1.0 in Spriter and rushing to get that done. To import into C2, drag the scml file from windows into the c2 layout.

  • thanks jayderyu

    <font size="3">update 4/25/13:

      <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Fixed a bug that prevented the 'Play To...' action from working correctly


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  • jayderyu, could you please email me the capx so I can see the problem. if you sent it to me before I'm not finding the email

  • Thanks BluePhaze.

    Small update on the other issues. Talked it over with Ashley. The issue with the extra layouts not automatically getting the file property set (not firing on_initialized) will be fixed in an upcoming C2 version. (the next I believe)

    As far as being able to resize in the layout visually, it's going to require a little bit of thought, as it will most likely involve saving a little extra information to the file format, which I don't want to add without thinking it over carefully. I'll work this into one of the upcoming versions.

  • <font size="3">update 4/21/13:

      <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Fixed issue where animations with objects on only some frames would leave a static object on screen when the object wasn't on the current frame <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Fixed bug where after a nonlooping animation completed, moving it would not update the sprites (scml object moved, sprites didn't) <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">added 'animationName' expression to get the current animation name


    Squidget, the issue with on initialized only working on certain layouts should be fixable by ensuring that the Scml File property of the plugin probably wasn't set to the correct file. This requires c2 code, so I have to speak with Ashley about a way to make it default to the same property for new instances. when you first import it does this automatically, but if you drag another instance into a new layout, you have to do it manually.

    jayderyu, the feature to replace sprites with alternate body parts, weapons, etc will arrive in the plugin after it's complete for the Spriter editor

    BluePhaze, being able to resize them would be most useful if c2 allowed the file to be visually resized with the object showing on screen in c2. I have a few ideas how this could happen, but they require c2 code, so I'll speak to ashley about them. Also the part about the collisions will be best handled when collision features arrive in spriter. I'll prioritize those pro-features as one of the first. This is definitely essential stuff

    We're caught up on bug fixes and requests as far as I know, so please continue to report anything you find or if I have missed something.

  • yes it's an issue with the plugin

    will look into this as well.

    thanks for the continued bug reports.

  • Thanks for the bug reports and suggestions. I'll take a look at everything.

  • squidget,

    Please send me the scml if possible with the problems with animations not being cleaned up, or better yet, a cap file.   Also if possible a cap file for the problem with moving between layouts.

    Squidget and NotionGames

    I'll clarify the current situation, because I believe my lack of focus in promoting it recently has given people the wrong idea. There is one missing important feature that will be added at some point by Ashley, this is having a way to reimport an animation into a cap after already creating events with it, and changing the project afterward in Spriter.

    Aside from that missing feature, and many features that aren't in the Spriter editor yet, the goal is for this plugin to be in totally useable form and ready to use in games as quickly as possible, so please report even small bugs, but especially larger ones. I will make time to fix them as soon as possible. Also report any major useability issues, so I can prioritize those into my schedule as well. My current focus is getting Spriter to 1.0(and adding those pro features to the plugin), but I will have more time to test soon after. In the meantime, the Scirra community is the testing team. I actually thought we were up to date on having fixed all reported bugs, so if you reported this already I may missed your post.

    In short, the animation features should be complete. If it's not behaving like a finished product, please report the bug, or post the suggestion.

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