lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • yeah mik

    I never mentioned in that other thread about the energy bar how cool I thought this looked

    awesome use of physics

  • sorry ash

    I'm really not trying to do completely nuts things anymore

    also I found a way so I don't need this anyway, but I'm still curious how it would work

    I got arrays working for me (there really wasn't any reasonable alternative)

    so let's say

    I wanted to make an expression MyArrayRetExp that returns an array value, and I thought arrays were ExpStores
    so I wanted to do something like:
    know what I mean?
  • if so, how would I go about that?


    do triggered conditions trigger within the calling function or at the end of the current ace element:

    long ExtObject::aExampleAction(LPVAL params)
         //  ExtObject::CString Answer;
         Answer="The event triggered immediately.";
         Answer="The event triggered after the calling function returned";
         return 0;
    if OnEvent(1), you retrieved the value Answer, what would it be?
  • new version of energy bar at same link above

    exe for older folks:

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  • btw, if you post a screenshot of the code, or just the actual cap file itself

    you can usually get very helpful help

  • we should have compos for stuff like this

    like, make the most outrageously elaborate and badass progress bar

    points for style, technical achievement

    it's already interesting with our basic quick examples

    I'm curious to see how far it could go

    or maybe just most badass UI

    menu, or something


    forget I said anything

  • weird, and interesting

    you should turn it into an official port

    btw, congratulations on your pc gamer fame

    you have people stealing your stuff and everything

  • thank you

    btw, someone was asking about another type of progress bar in chat,

    and although this isn't exactly what they asked for, it's still kinda fun:


  • what happens if there are 0 instances and you GetObjParamFirstInstance, and store that to a CRunObject*?

    is the pointer invalid?

    if not, what happens when you try to manipulate that phantom object?

    is it safe to check ->pType?

  • i stand corrected

    lets just revive all the dead threads,

    itll be one big happy zombie apocalypse

    just kidding

    just not the ones that have already been solved

  • k

    uploaded the new version, this time correctly

    I was sure I had already done that

    oh well

    there it is, though

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