lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • great work rojo

  • how to make heightmaps that don't look like #$#


    Art, not animation. Learn to walk before you can run and all that.


    Some tutorials on making animations for Construct would be very useful, in my opinion.


  • And the main question now is - how to make instances? Like several plasma worms? Give them unique Variables and do a For Each based on that or something? Can't figure it out...

    theres more than one way to do it, especially if you dont mind destroying and recreating all the sprites each tick.

    but one simple way without doing that would be to use the pyfix plugin and do exactly what you said

    private variables indexing each snake

    do a private variable compare and then use the pyfix plugin to loop thru the picked sprites

  • is it possible to do anything python related from the sdk

    like make a plugin execute a python command?

  • oh sorry, forgot i posted this, ill try to remember to post a cap when i get home

  • I have imported math in my cap

    so math.atan2 works if it's in my cap's python scripts

    at runtime if I use the Run Python Script action, I can use a script directly from math such as

    Run Python Script: "x=math.atan2(1,2)";

    but a function defined in the cap which can be called successfully within the cap itself:

    def atantwo(first,second):
       return math.atan2(first,second);
    #x=atantwo(1,1);  would work fine here[/code:ggiv2n5i]
    but if I use the Run Python Script action at runtime and try:
    Run Python Script: "x=atantwo(1,2);"  
    I get an error:
    NameError: global name 'atan2' is not defined
    is this a bug, or a limitation, or is there a special way to make it work?
  • does your avatar 'sr' stand for shady records?

  • earlier in this thread davo posted his exe's with it. it does what the video does, so your lightsource can go behind objects

    I thought it was included in the latest 99.82 version of construct

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  • the id of the triggered condition is it's order in the ACE Table,

    first condition is 0, and you count all conditions, triggered or not.

  • what graphics card do you have?

  • FL Studio has a save new version keyboard shortcut and menu item.

    it's a ridiculous workflow enhancement, and feels more like a permanent undo point than a save. I save new versions much more often than I take the time to click in the menu and save as and type a new name. it results in a much more fluid creative process. I don't see why anyone wouldn't want to streamline the process for such a common function.

  • that's looks great, Shady.

    are you planning to upgrade it now with the new bumpmapping3d effect?

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