lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • I've got a request davo,

    Can you overload some of the stuff so you can use sprite names in quotes in place of x,y as a shortcut to sprite.x,sprite.y?

  • nah, I'm sure there was a reason I did it that way, but it was through this condition that the control was set, if the condition wasn't there, it would never trigger the assignment of the new control

  • yeah, something in the one of the new versions broke it

    the custom controls work fully for controlling behaviors, but not for the On Control pressed conditions

    what's worse is I went to go check if I could just go update it really quick, and it seems my original files were lost in the backup process, so I can't change it.

    srry, unfortunately I don't have time anymore like I did before to make something like this

    on a side note, it doesn't fix the problem, but you're missing the Set Armed Control action

  • I guess this is some way of getting back at scirra for all the horrible things they've said to you? I clicked on the site, and then clicked the back button. that's the extent of the disturbance you've caused.

    grow up

  • if you have a crashing cap, try replacing all the calls to families, with calls to all the family members, then remove all families from the cap completely

    I have a crash in my current game cap that stops happening when you remove families from the cap. it isn't enough to just remove all the events that refer to families, you have to remove the families themselves.

    I also found a bug report about line of sight crashes, and tried the same thing. the crash stopped happening when I removed families from the bug report cap

    if anyone has a cap that crashes and this fix works, and it's a cap you can post here, please do so

    if you can't or won't post it, at least report back here so we can try and narrow down the problem, because I know often times people use families with no problems

    I've posted a bug report to the tracker as well

  • you said you're 35 right?

    thick skin you got there to go along with that maturity level

  • i think i figured this out

    I was searching for family crash on the bug tracker

    and your problem reminded me of mine

    try replacing the events so it doesn't use families

    then remove the enemy family altogether

    it stopped crashing for me

    my own crash on my own project had to do with sprite overlapping checks, but removing families from the project fixed the crash. I don't think it has to do with line of sight at all

  • style 1 with a little more a chin

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  • setting the mouse cursor where you want it isn't as simple as setting mousex and mousey with mouse/keyboard. those actions set the cursor to screen coordinates, meaning the coordinates on your monitor, which have nothing to do with the game.

    to set the mouse coordinates to a spot in your game, you need to take into account where the window is on the screen, how far into your layout you are scrolled, and how zoomed in you are. there is a formula you can use, and it's demonstrated in the following cap:

    when you run the cap, mousewheel zooms in and out, and since your mouse is hijacked and you can't reach the close button, hit escape to exit

  • so, how bout that adding Psychokinesis to the wiki?...

  • try the link again, now it should

  • I tried with 600 objects, it works - but flickers when you move.

    that's because some of the objects are at the same y value

    this fixes it:

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