Adventure Game Studio is not that easy as it sound.
[quote:2w9snkni]But be warned. CC is quite unforgiving and still buggy. So you have to make backups every now and then and if you are unexpirienced
Thats called "Learning"
[quote:2w9snkni]I have worked with CC about 5h today. But 4 of that hours was bugfixing.
...still learning ;P
but seriously, doing Cybernetic Overload, which took me about two days to make v1.0 from nothing, i had only few crashes - usually with moving objects from one folder to another. or doing mistakes like:
+ System: Is global variable 'Spawn' Equal to 1
-> Spawn 10 object -> [/code:2w9snkni]
when at startup Spawn was always equal 1.