The issue should now be resolved. If you previously loaded this version and preview wasn't working, you'll need to clear your browser cache and then reload Construct, and it should be working again. Sorry for any inconvenience.
We've run in to an unforeseen issue when deploying this release that didn't come up in testing: currently previewing projects is not working with this release. We need to update the server to fix it. We're looking in to it and are hoping to have it resolved soon!
Construct 3 runs in the browser and also works offline. Just visit
The underlying Chrome feature is not currently supported on Android. Google need to add support. You can track progress of their Android implementation of local file access at this issue:
Mobile apps already work offline. They bundle all the resources in the app.
You can already collaborate on projects with GitHub.
You can already adjust the text size with BBcode.
Just visit to try the free edition.
A Spanish language setting is already available.
There's already the Arcade.
See our guidelines on suggesting features for details about how we handle suggestions.
We're a small team with limited resources, and we deal with thousands of bug reports. Please be patient. 28 days is still not that long in terms of software development cycles.
You can use "Wrap selection" with any combination of objects, not just containers.
What do you mean by the "maintain position relative to parent" feature? That's exactly what the scene graph feature does already.
Please report any problems to the issue tracker following all the guidelines, or it won't be investigated.
Member since 21 May, 2007
The official blog for all things Construct and Scirra run by our employees!
Wider technology issues from Ashley's perspective.