Horace T's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi, not been on the forum for a while due to life events. Anyway, working on a 2d platform game and worried about the layout size. The layout is currently 4096 (w) x 1024 (h) with a grid size of 32 x 32. Thinking of making it wider for a longer play through and adding more obstacles. My player is 32 x 32 and some enemies, I try and make enemies in proportion to the player and layout. Am I heading in the right direction ? Thanks

  • Thanks for you reply but I dont think I got across what i'm trying to do. I want to bring in some land in my space game and other objects at the same time. For example, if I wanted to bring in 20 satelites in different positions on the layout (they would then move through the layout with bullett behaviour).


  • I'm making a shoot em up, think R Type or Gradius. I want my player to pass through a structure, and get battered as they pass, but I cant figure out how to bring the objects of the structure through the layout. I'm sure It's pretty straight forward but can't remember it. Think I tried it before.


  • ReillyRobbie,

    That's the plan. Want to get first level completed then will post for a quick play and feedback. As said earlier, have made some changes/improvements but seemed to have lost my particle effects.

    just played your demo, looks good. is it all your own work?

    Working on it.


  • risto,

    Made some changes and will post an update soon.


  • Had no particle effects working so tried different browsers (forgot about internet explorer) and it only works in internet explorer. Any ideas what the issue might be with firefox ond chrome?


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  • risto,

    Thanks for your comments. Glad you like the effects, it's not easy creating effects that work together but the bullets are within construct 2. Interesting what you say about the scrolling, I do want things off screen to happen and surprise the player. I might change it. I will see.


  • AySquirrel,

    Thanks for your comments. I will do that.

  • Thanks for your comments. Yes, I see what you mean about the particle effect from above. I was have been working on changing it i'm also working on a boss, which is the most difficult part. The orange bars at the bottom I want to replace with asteroids, you see the one floating around was for testing. I need to perfect it. I'm going to add some paralax scrolling to the background too

    So a few things to work on. I did post my own topic and hope to get more feedback from others too.


  • Video: https://youtu.be/KgjzEEYu24s

    Hi all,

    I would like some feedback on my WIP shoot em up game so far (title as yet not decided).

    HCT Game Screenshot 4 by Hordle2012, on Flickr

    HCT Game Screenshot 3 by Hordle2012, on Flickr

    The final version will have changes.



  • That's great. A top down shooter, looks fun and challenging to play. Here is mine, a side scroller. I would love some feedback.


    Look forward to seeing your progress.


  • http://youtu.be/KgjzEEYu24s

    Not the best video, recorded my screen on my iphone. My WIP shoot em up so far. Feedback welcome.


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Horace T

Member since 9 Feb, 2015

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