Horace T's Forum Posts

  • Yeah, same here. Take a look at my WIP and let me know what you think.

  • Hey, thanks Horace T! The game is called GunnSwitch. I have a dev log in the Creations section.

    Heres a new screenshot for today.

    These pesky bugs will give chase in the caves, be careful to not be caught by the swarms. In your tank these critters are harmless though.

    I like your background, you have some good looking effects there too.

  • That looks great. What's it called ?

  • Wacky Toaster and NotionGames both look good.


  • That's some good progress. keep going.

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  • I posted this in the wrong area. Still got a bit to do but hopefully completed this year. G.U.L.Z.E.R. is the title. Below is a link to my test video. The video is low quality, used a free recorder, and has no sound.


  • would be nice to see some images or video

    I would love the cost to frozen or other pricing structures but I see it as an investment in my own personal development. There is a cost on everything, it's about choosing the right thing for your needs. C3 suits my needs and hope to keep using it going forward.

  • Hi, just watched your trailer for your game and it looks very impressive. I will try and play it. You've done a good job. Check out my screenshots for the topic G.U.L.Z.E.R., would love to hear you opinion. Hoping to get a video up soon.


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  • Thoughts and feedback welcome. I've not been on the forum as much as I would like but i'm at the stage now where I can share progress. Not much longer now and there will be a demo level

  • It has potential, would have liked some enemies in the test. Keep going.

  • Hi, not been on the forum for a while due to life events. Anyway, working on a 2d platform game and worried about the layout size. The layout is currently 4096 (w) x 1024 (h) with a grid size of 32 x 32. Thinking of making it wider for a longer play through and adding more obstacles. My player is 32 x 32 and some enemies, I try and make enemies in proportion to the player and layout. Am I heading in the right direction ? Thanks

  • Thanks for you reply but I dont think I got across what i'm trying to do. I want to bring in some land in my space game and other objects at the same time. For example, if I wanted to bring in 20 satelites in different positions on the layout (they would then move through the layout with bullett behaviour).


  • I'm making a shoot em up, think R Type or Gradius. I want my player to pass through a structure, and get battered as they pass, but I cant figure out how to bring the objects of the structure through the layout. I'm sure It's pretty straight forward but can't remember it. Think I tried it before.
