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  • Order all sprites in their folder, the game needs less memory, but it is still much higher than C2.

    I may not understand his, my English is very bad :p

  • Use C3 to update all my C2 games, but the use of RAM is multiplied by 3.

    Just change code, the sprites are the same.

    I think I found the answer to the problem.

    In one of my games C2 generates 532 Spritesheet, C3 only 167.

    C2 only loads the necessary sprite sheet into memory, C3 loads many sprit sheets with unnecessary sprites.

    Against bigger is my game, more memory needs in phases that are finished long ago.

    This is a huge problem for big-size games.

    In this example you can see how C3 loads a Spritesheet 2048x2048 in the 20 fases that poses the game, The more sprites you have, the more Spritesheet you need to load in all fases of the game.

    Sorry for my English... is very bad...

  • I think I found the answer to my problem.

    The same game exported in C2 needs 600m less memory to run than on C3.

    C2 generates 532 Spritesheet, C3 only 167.

    C2 only loads the necessary spritesheet in memory, C3 loads many spritesheet with unnecessary sprites.

    This is just my guess.

  • Import the construct 2 project, if in construct 2 needed 364 megs, I do not understand why in Contruct 3 uses 1300.

    Compress the images with Tinypng, that greatly reduces the consumption of RAM, the game works perfectly on a phone with 1g memory.

    You can check the version of construct 2

  • Delete all the text but the problem is not solved.

    In another test delete the rewar ads, not solved...

    A capture of the properties of my project.

  • I use the 125, but I have many text objects, I have more than 100 .... omg ... will I have to change them all?

  • Can't anyone help me? ;(

  • This is the game in motion, I hope I have no ram memory problem...

  • I'm working on an improved version of my first game.

    With construct 2 and using coocon, I needed 384 m of ram in android.

    Using Construct 3 uses 1300 m or ram!!

    Can this be for the rewarded ads?

    Before I used interticial ads ...

    Thank you

  • Some screens of my last game, is still in process and I have some technical glitches.... but I hope to solve them ;)

    This is one of the animated scenes I'm doing for the game.

  • I'm sorry to take this issue again, but I can not find a solution to this problem

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Thank you very much ... I will try this.

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Member since 8 Feb, 2015

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