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  • Is there an app that can read Logcat, I do not have any phone with android 8 or higher, so a friend could look at it.

  • On all phones with android 8 or higher, the game crashes, but I cannot extract the LogCat because none of those phones is mine.

  • tarek2Thank you

  • The insert image button does not work for me, but the lock screen uses 10 megabytes of memory and has 4 sprites, the largest is the background of 854x480.

    All the phones that are blocked have android 8 or higher (my phone has 6).

    I will try to get the LogCat of some phone (they are not mine). Thank you.

  • On my phone the game works perfectly (Leeco X650), but on many other phones (View2go android 8.1, Pocophone F1 android 10, Bq Aquaris V android 8.1) after the first loading screen, it crashes.

    These are the loading screen events

    The second screen is this, it is only a menu where you can choose a language, but the game crashes.

    I don't understand why this happens.

  • Google Play tells me that my game is not compatible with tablets.

    I have a tablet and the game works fine.

    How do I make it compatible in the store?

  • You can send the project to the C3 service, I did it with my game to review the ram's performance.

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  • C3 uses a lot of memory, my game in C2 needed 90 megabytes, in C3 more than 350, but if the problem has it on the home screen I don't think that's the problem.

    I had problems loading the dictionary, it blocked some android. Can you show the events of your loading screen?

  • Google only informs me that the game crashed, but it doesn't tell me how or when.

  • Another thing that gave problems at the beginning of the game was the local storage and the dictionary, I don't know if you are using any system to save the game.

  • It's exactly the same game, just change the runtime, thinking it would be better.

  • In my experience replacing "x.opacity+x" with fading, the game works. It is a mobile with Android 8 and completely updated.

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Member since 8 Feb, 2015

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