REDl3east's Recent Forum Activity

  • I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to add a one-time payment option on the Chrome Web Store. I'm currently going over the tutorial on their website and understanding most of it up until the user verification part. Here's their tutorial:

    If anyone has a clue as to how to do this step it would be much appreciated.


  • I was just wondering what ad system I should use when using the Google Web Store. Everything I've looked at seems to be aimed towards mobile ads and can't seem to figure out which way to go with this.


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  • Check for error in your browser and let us know what the console indicates.

    That will give clues as to what's happening.

    Does your project works in preview otherwise ?

    Have you tried exporting it as website and hosting it online somewhere ? Does it have the same behavior or works ? What does the console say when testing this hosted version ?

    Hey, Thanks for the reply.

    It works perfectly when I preview the game and when I published it to the Scirra Arcade everything works out fine. It seems to only have issues when I'm uploading to the Chrome web store.

    The errors I get when previewing and looking at the Developer tool in Chrome:

    Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: A call to lockOrientation() or unlockOrientation() canceled this call.

    Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: lockOrientation() is not available on this device.

    Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: lockOrientation() is not available on this device.

  • I'm trying to publish my game, for testing, to the google chrome web store, but when everything get published and I open my game it's just completely black and nothing starts up and there is no indication of anything happening. I've published multiple games to the google chrome store and this never has happened before.

    Any help?


  • I figured it out. I just forgot to set the event sheet to the layout. Rookie mistake. lol.

  • Is your URL in quotes?

    Try using the Button object's own "on clicked" condition instead of the Mouse object's "on clicked object" condition.

    I am putting quotes around it and tried your tip, but it still didn't work.

  • I have a button that is set up to open a URL in a new window but it isn't doing anything when clicked on.


    on left button click on button --> Go to "URL" in a new window ("NewWindow")

    Is there something I am missing?


  • Thanks for all the help. I finally figured it out

  • Your idea worked but there is a problem, it only works in one direction. When the ball hits a wall the X velocity will go straight to 0 and mess it up. any suggestions

  • I'm having trouble figuring out how to make a ball slow down quickly. I do have angular damping at a 1 and that isn't slow enough. I don't want to change linear damping at all. The problem is it takes forever for the X velocity of the ball to hit zero. When the X velocity is between -0.99999... to 1 or 1 to 1.99999... it is almost unrecognizable from the human eye that it is moving. So i want the ball to completely stop when it is in between those numbers. Any Ideas?

  • I want to end the shooting when my ammo global variable hits zero. I've tried to destroy the ammo when the variable is zero but it also destroys the current bullets on screen. What I want it to do is when the global variable is zero stop shooting and i want the bullets to continue on the screen. Any help?

  • Have you read the manual? Have you tried 'On Finished' ?

    Maybe upload what you have as a .capx so others can see where you are going wrong.

    Thanks for the reply. I got it now, thanks!

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Member since 11 Dec, 2014

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