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  • yeah I think being able to do your own attacks with the parry is a better idea, I was thinking of getting a paid version out on itch and when I get some money from that then post on steam because posting on steam costs 100$ so I dont wanna make that investment quite yet

  • I am working on a quick patch, Demo 1.2.1 here is what I have so far

    Main fixes

    Major performance changes, the game should run better at lower framerates (30-59) and also should get higher FPS in general

    Made interact also accessible by pressing down

    Made the parry only stun the enemy instead of forcing you into an animation

    Made the parry stun time 1 --> 1.5

    Made some enemies have 'Stun Weakness' which increases or decreases stun time (bosses are default)

    Small fixes

    Made the store page be able to close by H

    Made the store page text in the bottom right more clear on what to do

    Enemy stun weaknesses (it multiples by the stun time)

    Shadow: 2

    Death Stalker: 2

    Fire Worm: 0

    Lich:​ 2

    Hyper Lich: 1

    Hunter: 1.5​​​

    Fire Mage: 0​

  • Thank you for this info, I will work on fixing these in the next patch

    and also the music and sound effects are still being worked on FYI

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  • I have been making this game for a few months in my free time ( and have spent a bunch of money out of my own pocket to purchase assets (I am the only one working on this). I am struggling to get feedback on what could change

    Also it would be really cool if it had a community excited for new updates to help motivate me

    Also a new update is coming in a few minutes (Demo 1.2.0)

  • Most of the assets I purchased from various creators on Itch io, The main character's sprites I drew but with a character base. I made all of the story and code stuff, I put all of it together

  • I have been working on this game since Nov 7 2023 and I am struggling finding an audience or people to play and give feedback, I though of posting on here to help find some people to do a quick play (the demo is probably around 20-30 minutes)

    EDIT: I forgot to post the link

  • I have a sprite that on fired, repeats RANGE times. it adds 1 to the width each time it doesnt hit a solid, I would like to make this bounce off of walls

  • Thanks for the offer, but I can't think of anything at the moment. If I do think of any uses I will create another post or something like that

  • I just think it would be useful for various things

  • I use platforming and Ill take a screenshot of the some of the code

    I have it so that the animations instance has a variable telling it which enemy type it is. this is the code for the harpy, I have extra trouble with this enemy type because they fly around really fast and its really obvious there is something wrong when they group up

  • Is there a way to reset a specific persistent object instead of all of them

  • So I use this system where the enemy collisions and animations are different objects and they are in a container, this works just fine except for when there are multiple enemies trying to chase the player. When multiple enemies are chasing the player one often gets 'confused' with another, for example I have 2 enemies that chase the player and one of them just goes in the same direction as the other, which is away from me. I do not know how to fix this

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Member since 31 Jul, 2022

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