I love this game so much! It's fun and challenging!
I love this game so much! Its amazing! Keep up the amazing work!
Nervermind Xd
What is the easiest way to do the rising lava thing? lol
There should be more relaxing games like this, I love it so much!Keep up the good work. (By the way, I love your art style!)
Why is there a house if we cannot go inside? lol
Thank you! I'll definitely check out your website! You are a great at making games and I'm sure your others are great!
Okay thanks! :) (Great game by the way, I play this in class a lot lol.)
Does it save your name on the leader board? I was 2 points away from being top score.
Oh my gosh! This game is so good! I love it! Keep up the good work because never in a million years would I ever learn to code this!
Member since 1 Jun, 2022