Just move the character? I'm not sure how to answer that as it depends on what you need moved, how it is moved, and what it interacts with. is it with default behaviors or something custom? are physics involved? Et cetera. It's not really a one size fits all thing.
as for me I use physics movement. at the start of a players movement I set their velocity to zero. and then move them using the following physics velocity addition.
x =(cos(angle_of_movment+player.angle)) * move_speed
y =(sin(angle_of_movment+player.angle)) * move_speed
sine and cosine works like an orbit. with angle_of_movment+player.angle
specifying the angle relative to the center.
is the direction the player needs to travail represented as an angle between 0 and 360 (forward, backward, ect) however this number by itself will give the wrong direction as it is relative to the world. not the direction you face. hence...
is the direction the player is facing. by adding this to the angle the player needs to go it makes the angle_of_movment relative to the player