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  • That's 20mb from ImageMemoryUsage in the biggest layout where the game crashed, and showed in my testing tablet Dragon Touch Y88. Is there anythings else could make game crash ? I don't think this is the main reason, because I tried to run game "Hay Day" in this same device, there are a lot of objects and images, it has a little bit laggy when dragging among layout but It still worked great and smoothly. If my code has some errors, it could make crashes on the others devices ( RAM 1GB or above ) , which never happened.

    • In C2, it showed : memory use 92.6 mb for my game
  • I have a question ? How the "Hay Day" game can create too many objects or sprites, and still work smoothly on my low Android tablet ( ram 512 mb ) ? While my game is using under 150 objects and under 20 mb images on a layout and still get crashes (no crashes with devices have Ram is 1 GB or above ) >.< I got stuck and tried too many ways , but no clue. Really need helps here

  • I have a question ? How the "Hay Day" game can create too many objects or sprites, and still work smoothly on my low Android tablet ( ram 512 mb ) ? While my game is using under 150 objects and under 20 mb images on a layout and still get crashes (no crashes with devices have Ram is 1 GB or above ) >.< Really need helps here

  • I have the same problem and here Ashley's anwser

  • I have the same problem and here Ashley's anwser

  • My game has the same issue. If i turned off admod, everythings went smoothly. And then turn on the admob, while the ad is loading, some lags happened about 1-10 seconds . After the ad is showed and closed, the lags happened all the time, it caused my game crashed. I have searched a solution for 1 week, but no clue. This issue was still not resolved from year 2013 till to now .... It made me have to turn off the admob in my game = no money >.<

    P/S : I'm using Interstitial only ads and this bug is only happened in low-end Android devices. Some my testing mobile phones have these bug : Dragon Touch Y88, Samsung Galaxy Trend Plus, MeMO PAD ...

    Can anyone share me the solution for this please ? My email : .Thank you for any advices.

  • I have a question here. I tested my game with a low-end Android device ( Dragon Touch Y88 512 Mb ram ), it runs very well my game, but when I added more images to a layout which are never called to load these images , the game has crash. The more never-used images, the more crashes my game has. I tried it in my HTC One ( 1 Gb ram and better cpu chips ), and I didn't get any crashes. Can someone explain for me please ? Is this sample relate to Unload issue ? Thank you for any advices and please excuse me for my english

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  • I found it here https://shatter-box.com/knowledgebase/troubleshooting/ Fix lags Admob plugin. Thank cranberrygame and AndreasR for the fix.

  • It works great on screen emulators. Now I need to re-design my game due to iOS review which don't accept black bars... Thank irina for the guide ^ ^

  • cranberrygame

    I have problem with Interstitial ad. With test mode, everythings is perfect, but in the real mode - test mode is off. After the real ad is loaded, showed then closed. I don't know if it is destroyed or still sit there, it makes my game glitch, lag and crash so often ( it occurs on only weak android devices with Interstitial ad showed). I really need some advice or solution. I lost lots of players from my game because of this issue. Thank for any helps.

    • I have a layout which has a lot of objects created and destroyed right after they are used.I stored all sprites in another layout and called to create them only when they are needed . But in the playing layout I use only less than 20 sprites/text ~ 20 mb memory, and only 1 animation sprite working at once. The mobile devices ( cheap mobiles ) can't handle it, because the size of images memory keep increasing after they are created and still keep its memory after destroying ~ 100mb images memory if all the sprites are loaded in the layout. I upgraded my game with many versions then I decided down-graded it to the original version for every mobiles can run without crashing because out of memory. I really need a solution for my next games.
    • I wonder if multi-layouts can solve it ? When my layout reached ~50 mb images memory and can still work, I saved it and go to another layout. Then I called an action to load that layout again, and Black-Screen , the game has crashed and quit.
    • I'm not sure this request "Unload from memory" can solve my issue or not. Really need helps and advices
  • Hi guys. I have a question. My image has size 128x46 px , imported to C2 and still have 128x46px. But when I exported to prepare to publish, that file is using 256x256 px with a lot of white space instead of 128x128 px??? Can someone help me to fix it please ?

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