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  • Most definitely :). I'm always happy to help, even if it's just by sharing my own experiences from various areas of life.

    I hear you bud! I definitely have a long way to go myself :). But, just seeing the progress from where I was six months ago, is pretty incredible. I try to relish that feeling of, "I am dumb!" or "That was dumb!". I say a variation of this line pretty much daily, as I work through different roadblocks that present themselves over time. Because, this means that I am still learning! There is no finish line, it is only moved further and further back.

    One step in front of the other, learning one thing at a time. With lots of learning from mistakes/trial & error/etc, as we all do. And, that is forward progress daily/weekly/monthly. Depending on how often you work inside of the application. Like anything it takes time, patience, and dedication. I have no idea how many times I've started in on developing some kind of gameplay mechanic, or even a game. Then decided it would be easier and faster to just scrap what I had done, and start over from scratch XD

    Not sure if I mentioned it earlier, and I'm running on zero sleep today, and also currently recording video tutorials. As such, I am too lazy/busy to check XD. Anyways, I had 4 versions of my current project going at one time. As I was trying to figure out the best way to handle my platformer enemies. I had one project file using various behaviors, another using containers, one using families, and finally one using the family object again but with different behaviors.

    I finally settled on using the Family Object, and found the behaviors that would work best for my scenario. As I am having them use both ranged, melee, and sometimes no attacks(depending on the particular enemy Sprite Object within the overall Family Object).

    Thanks, and you too! My weekend has been great so far, besides the lack of sleep. XD Going to catch up before a golf game planned tomorrow, for sure. Have fun with it as you go, and remember to practice patience with yourself. Talk to yourself as you would a good friend. Everyone moves at their own pace. I know for myself, certain concepts take a very long time to finally sink into my gray matter.

    Take it easy. Peace!

  • I have watched it but it would literally require me to start all over. I might just have to do that at this point lol.

    Yeah, sometimes that is the quickest & easiest way. When I first started on my platformer. I hit at least a couple of spots during the first month, where I ended up just starting over from scratch. Saving the current version as a reference, while starting over with a clean project/slate. One of those starting from scratch moments, I actually had 4 copies going of the same project.

    I was experimenting with 4 different methods to achieve the gameplay mechanic I was looking to create. Until I found the one that worked best for my case scenario. And, would work in the long run as I expand the game. I still do this practice pretty consistently.

    Especially, if I'm adding in something new. I'll just save an extra copy or two of my project, before I start adding in the new feature(s). Then, experimenting with different methods/paths to try and achieve whatever I'm going for. If I get really stuck and have broken a few things along the way, I can always start off from that last major backup where everything was at that time still functional.

    Just having copies of a project at different stages to go back to and reference has been a big help in my experience. I can go in, see where I had made changes from the last big milestone. Find where I may have gone wrong, and figure it out by reference & Debugging :)

    Not sure if any of these suggestions actually help anyone reading this. But, just throwing out what I've learned works for me after the past several months working with Construct 3 fulltime.

    Best of luck with your project!

    I hope you have a fantastic weekend coming up! ✌️

  • Did you happen to check out that tutorial, at all Jaypixels? I think it will get you off and running with a platforming game. Pause it where you need to, and take your time following along. If you want to anyways, I'm not trying to force you XD. But, it helped me a ton, and it it's been fun to build on top of the end result at the end of the video.

    It can obviously be modified for any game style, and heavily added to. I used all my own art while watching the video, and had just a few areas I needed to change around the math a bit to make everything work properly. Also, had to add a helper sprite for the EdgeGrab area. And, set mine up a bit differently, using the MoveTo Plugin to move the PlayerBox to the proper location either left or right of each platform. Then I just spawn all the edge triggers where they need to be, during the On Start of Layout.

  • EDIT: Apologies for the late response. I'm just getting the Notification that you had replied 7 days ago, on my community account profile here today.

    If it's a platforming game. You'd have to assign a behavior to your player. The "Platformer" Behavior. You need the Keyboard Object added to the Project as well.

    Then setup your controls in the Event Sheet. Or just use the default arrow keys to move and jump.

    Then, it's as simple as using an Action Condition, to check to see if a "Key Is Down". For example. "Key Is Down", checking for "A" key(if that were the key for moving left). Then, the Events would be something like, "Simulate Platform pressing "Left"", then underneath have an event where your player Sprite is "Mirrored".

    All Sprite Objects default to facing Right. So you're animations need to be facing towards the right. Then while moving left, they are mirrored, and while facing right they are not mirrored.

    So the same for moving right, if the "D" key is being used. Would look something like. "Key Is Down", checking for "D" key(if that were the key for moving left). Then the Events would be something like, "Simulate Platform pressing "Right"", then underneath your player Sprite would be "Not Mirrored".

    If you are using 8 directional movement. It would be the same. Except for Right, Down, Left, Right movements. You would set it move in each direction, then change the walking, running, or whatever animation for that direction.

    I'd really recommend going through some basic Construct 3 tutorials, to get you going. It sounds like this is your first project inside the application.

    Perhaps this one on the Scirra Website:

    Below, I've linked to a couple different series for beginners on YouTube:

    The two channels above, also have other Playlists with other tutorials for Platformer extras, and other things that are helpful for beginners. If you are working on a game style other than a Platformer. You can find a bunch of tutorials online for just about any style of game.

  • Good to know lennaert. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

  • I believe it was 256, It was a hard limit in webrtc some years ago.

    I used the cs2 multiplayer object, with a dedicated host project on its own server, and a dedicated client app.

    The tests at the time was conducted with close to 100 players, each inputting/transmitting a certain angle and distance from a moving object.

    Worked pretty decent!

    Very cool! Good to hear from someone who has used it in the past :). I wonder if that limit has changed? Especially if using something like the Photon Realtime Engine.

    I've not mucked about with Photon yet. The only online game I ever worked on was a MMORPG, using an engine built on the old Blitz Basic 3D language.

    EDITS: Spelling... I cannot seem to spell today XD

  • So after finding out about the multiplayer feature, I was just wondering how far it could go. So what would be the maximum amount of people that could join a single room?

    To preface this comment, let me just mention. I've never done full online multiplayer with Construct 3. But, I have with other Game Engines/Programming Languages. And, have also run multiple private servers for various online games, from my home computer/network, and on shared or dedicated servers over the years.

    Just Reading through the Multiplayer section of the C3 Documentation. It seems to me the maximum amount of people who could connect, would depend on multiple things. The type of game, and who is actually hosting the room for the game. If the Room is hosted on a Dedicated Server, this looks like it should support high latency/latency-sensitive games to run much better.

    So two things to consider, how much information/data your game is transmitting over networks. And the actual power, and connection speeds of the host of the game. Whether that may be on a personal computer, or on a professionally managed dedicated server for online gaming, and anything in between.

    EDIT: I meant to mention that there are Addons, such as the "PlayFab" Suite of Addons, which adds a lot of functionality to online/multiplayer games developed within Construct 3. Including, Photon Realtime, which is a well known cross-platform networking engine. Which folks have been using alongside various game engines to create online games for a while now.

  • Learning by mistakes is usually the best way to learn. As the saying goes, "The only failure, is the one not learned from". Or, something along those lines.

    I should have taken a bit of time and checked the actual asset to see it's compatibility to Construct. Anyhow, you've got plenty of resources at your disposal.

    As R0J0hound pointed out, there are a ton of Examples included along with Construct 3, and more are added as new versions of Construct are released. You can find many through tutorials online as well.

    Reverse engineering various Event Sheets has been a massive learning tool as well. Even if it has some complex formulas(at least for myself at the moment). It will just take some time, along with a search engine online to sort out what is actually happening within the Action Conditions, and Events using math that may be beyond understanding at the moment.

    Life is a learning process. Keep on learning, and you will keep on progressing :)

    Best of luck, with your planned Platforming game!

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  • You need to understand that the asset store consists of individual sellers. 99% of all offered assets are NOT the work of Scirra/Construct but from people like you and I. Scirra gets a 30% cut on all sales within the asset store.

    Keep in mind that there are still thousands of Construct 2 users, taking these items off the store would mean that people who stuck with Construct 2 will no longer be able to purchase assets. That's not the idea.

    There's a refund policy for assets. So take use of it.

    You can reach out to Scirra via

    Spriter Addon can be found here.

    I meant to mention this as well. At the very least, could get a refund on the Asset

  • Ya I like it’s irresponsible of Construct to sell templates that aren’t compatible with the only version they sell anymore. And ya the free version allows 100 events, but the template already has hundreds so you can’t add a single event without it asking you for a construct 2 license. Any way I’ve moved on, downloaded “basic platformer” for C3 and immediately after installing ran into a problem finding the c3addon file for Spriter that I bought because it’s required for this template. Been trying to find it and searching forums for an answer for 3 hours to no avail. I’m honestly about to just request a refund and give up on construct. I thought a template was the best way to introduce myself to the program but I’m now 0/2 getting templates to work. After many hours in front of my computer frustrated. Thanks for the response tho, I feel like I’m screaming into the void with these developers. I’ve tried reaching out to both and haven’t gotten a response. (Only been a few hours with the basic platformer developers, so maybe they will come through with a fix.)

    Yeah, all you can really do is learn from the mistake. It would be nice if C2 was available to those who subscribe to Construct 3 though. I had bought a license years ago, so I'm covered when this issue arises for me. Someone in your situation is stuck, unless you find a good deal on Fiverr, or somewhere else to outsource it. And, have someone else remake the template into Construct 3.

    My only advice, is to begin by watching the tutorials on the Scirra website, YouTube, and other sources. There is a wealth of information online, as with anything these days. This is how I got started, and I'm working on my own platformer tutorial series at the moment. I started with creating a bunch of small games, through watching tutorials. Read through the Construct 3 documentation a couple of times. Walked through a State System tutorial on YouTube, for my platformer. Than, built on top of that, and have expanded it quite a lot at this point.

    As with anything, the more time, effort, and studying you put into learning Construct 3 the better you will become. Try not to be too dependent on templates. They can give you a good head start with certain things, but it really comes down to you for the end result. Keep on learning from mistakes and you'll get there. As with anything in life, there will be lots of roadblocks, which will force you to learn even more. I've been pouring time into my Construct 3 projects for several months, every day. And, every day I learn a bunch of new things, which expands my overall database of knowledge. Now, I can create things inside of a week, which would have taken me a month or so when I first started working with C3.

    Move at your own pace, and practice patience. You will get to where you would like to be. And, don't worry about buying Spriter. I have both versions of the application, and it's been a solid tool in my toolbox for a while now. And, I still have a ton to learn with that application alone. Never mind everything else in my toolbox haha.

    Best of luck to you, while moving forward. I can point you in the direction of a few YouTube Channels that got me going at least. - There are some excellent series of tutorials for beginners here. He's a great guy to chat with as well. - The State Machine tutorial I mentioned earlier. He gets into a lot of advanced topics, so the channel is a great resource, once you've settled in a bit. - I've gotten a lot of useful knowledge by watching some of the videos in this channel as well.

    Anyways. The overall point I'm making, is never give up. Of course, it's your choice to switch up to another application, or not. I've tried dozens of game engines over the years. Personally, I've found C3 to be the fastest for myself. As far as picking up the logic, and how the Events, Plugins, and the application itself works. I still have a long way to go though XD

    Some days, I feel dumb. But, this is good. It means I am still learning. And, learning is one of my favorite things to do. I still have times where I will be stuck on some aspect of a project for quite a long time. I put it on my To-Do List, as a "Time Consuming Bug". And, will return to it from time to time between working on other functionalities in the project. Until, at last I've figured out what was going wrong, and have fixed the issue. It's been this way the entire way.

    The struggle, the education, the progress seen over time. These are the things that keep me going. But, it is your path to choose :). There are many options for solid game engines, both 2D and 3D. Some really good ones which are free and/or Open Source. Others with a similar subscription model Scirra uses.

    Personally, when I got back into Game Development going on a year ago next month. I followed tutorials for multiple applications. Then, prototyped and developed the same game play styles in a few of the engines that had made it that far on my list. After all the experimentation of trial and error, and making the same core gameplay in each one. I figured out that Construct 3 would likely be best for me long term.

    Scirra's support has been top notch as well :). I've submitted multiple bug reports over the past several months, some of which were more like feature requests. For example: Not moving the Origin/Image Point when holding down Control & pressing the Directional keys when in the Image Editor, when the first/last frame or animation in the list has been reached while cycling through either. Along with some Image Editor bugs, and issues within the Timeline Editor. And, they've all been cleared up really quickly. Within a couple of weeks, there is a new release which fixes the issue. Most of the time, the very next release the following week has fixed it.

    Take Care! Stay positive :) ✌️

    EDIT: Grammar, and spelling corrections.

  • I recently purchased a template that I didn’t realize I had to run construct 2 to use. No problem I downloaded construct 2 and got to building and customizing. Now I’ve spent 10+ hours on this, and it won’t let me edit any further without a license. I only have a construct 3 license, does anyone know if my construct 2 license will work? I also tried just importing the project to construct 3 and it gives me an error message and says I need to use construct 2. Again, I don’t mind using 2 if I can get it to recognize my license.

    For what it’s worth I feel like Construct shouldn’t be selling templates that don’t work with construct 3 and cannot be converted. It’s frustrating after I already purchased and spent this much time on a project. “Epic Platformer” is the name of the template.

    I've dealt with the same issue, but fortunately I have a C2 license from years past. I wish there was a policy, to keep items in the Asset Store up to date. Maybe, not up to date with the latest version of Construct 3. But, at least with some version of Construct 3. And, remove the templates from Construct 2.

    But, then again, some folks still use C2 as their main development application. So, I don't know what the best answer would be. Maybe, Scirra could make it so a Construct 2 license available, for those who pay for the Construct 3 subscription? As long as they are still subscribed, it would remain active rather than being a license active for a lifetime.

    The only thing you can really do, is try to find a Construct 2 license. Not sure where you could get one, as implied earlier, they are no longer sold direct from Scirra. But, then the license would under their name...

    I've rebuilt certain templates using the latest version of Construct 3. It's time consuming, and definitely easier to do before building on top of what is already created inside the template's Event Sheet(s). It would be awesome if there was some way to convert C2 project file over to C3, at least a basic conversion and handle the rest by hand.

    I've definitely been in the same situation, and had the same issues where there is no compatible Construct 3 Addons for the template I might be working with. I reached out to the developer, and they were unwilling to update to the latest Construct 3(which may have lead to more sales). In that case, I need to find a work around, to create the same functionality within Construct 3. Maybe a similar Addon, or use the built in plugins that will do the same thing, or similar to get everything working as intended. Sometimes it means switching around the game play, and modifying the result a bit.

    It's one of those things, where "It is, what it is". I believe the free trial allows 100 Events? It will take some time, but may be worth it to start rebuilding it in Construct 3. Depending on where you are going with it.

  • Hahaha XD. Even better, some artwork to accompany the story :)

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