How to export to Tizen

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Published on 7 Oct, 2013. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Tizen is a new mobile platform being developed by Samsung and Intel. It supports web apps made in HTML5, which makes it a perfect fit for Construct 2 games!

Before you begin

Your game should support multiple screen sizes and work with touch controls.

Preview over Wifi is a great way to develop your game. You can use the Tizen browser to quickly develop the game, and then publish once the main game is ready.

You must add the Browser plugin to your project before submitting to Tizen. By default the back button does nothing, and will cause the app to be rejected. With the Browser object in the project, by default the back button exits the application. You can also use the Browser object's On back button and On menu button triggers to handle the device's hardware buttons.

You'll also need to fill out the About section of Project Properties with all your publisher and app details.

Option A: submit via AppBackr


The easiest option to submit your game to the Tizen store - and possibly make some money in the process! - is to submit it via AppBackr. They are being sponsored by Tizen to provide as many apps for the Tizen store as possible, and your submissions can earn you money.

Once you've finished your game, export using the Tizen option and zip all the files to create a .wgt file. (There are more instructions on this process here: How to create a WGT file)

You can then submit the .wgt file to AppBackr who will then publish it to the Tizen store on your behalf. If your app meets certain quality conditions, you'll get some money just for submitting as well!

Option B: submit manually

Submitting manually requires setting up the Tizen SDK and going through the publishing process yourself. See the next page of the tutorial for more information.


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