How to export to Tizen

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Published on 7 Oct, 2013. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

First-time setup of Tizen SDK

You will need to download and install the Tizen SDK from the website:

Note that the 64-bit installer can crash on startup on Windows 8. If this affects you, try installing the Windows 7 32-bit installer instead (which should also work on Windows 8).

Run the installer. You can save disk space and install more quickly by unticking the Native App Development checkbox in the installer - Construct 2 games don't need the native app support, only the web app support.

The download can be quite large (over 1 GB). Note you might also get an error about Intel Virtualization support. You can ignore this, but you might have problems if you later need to use the device emulator.

After installing, reboot your computer.

First-time setup of Tizen IDE

To create a new Tizen app, open the Tizen IDE. Note: it is recommended to always launch the Tizen IDE with administrator permissions (right-click and Run as administrator) since the IDE can hang or have other issues when run normally.

In the Tizen IDE, choose File -> New -> Tizen Web Project. Select the Basic template, enter a project name, and press Finish. (If the Tizen IDE hangs at this point, close the IDE from Task Manager, and try again making sure you run as administrator.)

You may see a message something like "Active secure profile is not set."

Click the Preferences > Security Profiles link to set up your profile. In the dialog that appears, click Add by Profiles.

Enter a profile name and click OK. (This can be anything, like your name or company.)

Click Generate by Author certificate to create a new certificate to sign your apps with. Fill out all the fields as necessary and press OK. If prompted to fill profile information with the same fields, click Yes.

Click OK to close the profile settings dialog. Next we need to tell the Tizen SDK where Google Chrome is installed. The Tizen SDK's Web Simulator is based on Google Chrome, so if you don't have it already, download and install Chrome.

With Chrome installed, go to Window -> Preferences. In the tree down the left, select Tizen SDK -> Web -> Chrome. Under Google Chrome location, enter the path to Google Chrome's executable file. Usually this is something like:


While still in Preferences, select in the tree down the left Tizen SDK -> Web -> Editor -> JavaScript Editor -> JSLint Properties. Under Exclude files that match these patterns from JSLint, add c2runtime to the comma-separated list. This will prevent the Tizen IDE showing spurious Javascript errors that do not really matter.

Click OK to close Preferences. Now if you click the Run icon in the IDE, it should launch the Web Simulator with a template app. If you're asked to choose what to run, select Tizen Web Simulator.

If you see the Web Simulator, hopefully that means everything is set up OK!

Exporting from Construct 2

To get your project in to the Tizen IDE, export from Construct 2 to a new empty folder choosing the Tizen option. Then simply copy and paste the whole folder's files over the existing Tizen project that you've created. (Alternatively you can just export directly to the Tizen project folder.) The Tizen project is usually at a path similar to:

C:\Users\<username>\workspace\<project name>\</p>

After copying, if the Tizen IDE asks you to reload anything, click Yes or OK. Then select Project -> Clean to clean the project and get it to rebuild everything. If it still says there are errors in config.xml, save the project and they should go away.

Run the project again and you should see it appear in the Web Simulator! The simulator also allows you to test the Back and Menu hardware buttons, as well as providing lots of other tools for testing with.

Testing on a real device

It's wise to test on the real thing, if you have a Tizen device available. This helps you more realistically test the touch input, screen size and performance.

First of all connect the Tizen device to your computer by its USB cable. After a moment a device should appear in the Tizen IDE's Connection explorer. Once it has appeared, select your project in the Project Explorer then click the dropdown arrow by the Run button. This should allow you to choose Run as Tizen Web Application (instead of the Web Simulator). After a moment the Tizen device should install the app and start running the game.

Submitting to the Tizen Store

Before submitting, make sure you've tested your game thoroughly, and that all the assets such as icons and project details are what you want them to be.

If the Tizen IDE says it is building the project in the status bar, wait until it is complete. Then you should be able to find a .wgt file in your project folder (located somewhere like C:\Users\<username>\workspace\<project name>\). This file is your packaged app!

Visit and register. Following the submission process from there, you should be able to submit your game to the Tizen store!

Remember, if you submit via AppBackr, you could earn money just for submitting the app!


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