Come criare um Jogo di Facebook(Tradució en Andament)

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Published on 2 May, 2015. Last updated 25 Feb, 2019

On the left menu, click App Details. Here we enter the basic info for the Facebook app.

Fill out the fields as appropriate. Note the primary Category must be Games if you want to use the hi-scores system, but you can pick any sub-category. If you require any permissions (described later in this tutorial when using the 'Log in' action), take care to enter a clear explanation for permissions.

You also have the opportunity to make a Facebook Page for your app. Click Create a new Facebook Page under App Page to get started with this.

At the bottom are a wide selection of icons and banners. Upload images for as many of them as you can.

Be sure to Save changes at the bottom.

Once your details are all set up, you can use the Web Preview and Mobile Preview to test how it will look once live. Once you've verified everything is working like it should, go back to the main Settings page and set Sandbox mode to Disabled so non-developer users can see it. Then on the App details page, use the Submit App Detail Page to submit the details for review. You can check the progress in the Review Status section.

Once approved, your game should be live on Facebook!


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