Patch for tween/timeline issue

15 June, 2021 ()
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This release is just a small patch update to r251 to fix a regression that slipped through the net while we were doing beta releases. A possible crash while animating scale with tweens and timelines should now be fixed.

Since last week we've also updated our documentation to include changes in r251, also covering the new 3D features. Take a look at the 3D shape manual entry, as well as our new tutorial Using 3D in Construct which covers how all the 3D related features work together.

The r251 release video is included above again, and in case you missed it, see the r251 release notes here.

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Exécuter r251.2

Changelog iconChangements

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3D shape: update help link to point to manual entry

Changelog iconCorrections de bug

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Tweens & Timelines: possible runtime crash animating scale properties

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  • Hi, there is an issue with exporting to android studio 1.Unable to determine Android SDK directory.

    2.compileSdkVersion is not specified. Please add it to build.Gradle

    3. In the build.Gradle android studio "cannot resolve symbol "String"

    all these errors do not appear when I export from an older version of Construct Like 241r

    its start to happened after the 251r update

  • Error: Checking Java JDK and Android SDK versions

    ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=~~/androidSDK (recommended setting)


    Using Android SDK: ~~/androidSDK



    1 actionable task: 1 executed

    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: app

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    * What went wrong:

    Could not initialize class java.nio.file.FileSystems$DefaultFileSystemHolder

    * Try:

    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

    * Get more help at https:/~~/

    BUILD FAILED in 586ms

    Command failed with exit code 1: ~~/gradlew cdvBuildDebug -b ~~/build.gradle

  • There is a problem to export android apk build. Please fix it.

    Error: Checking Java JDK and Android SDK versions

    ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=~~/androidSDK (recommended setting)


    Using Android SDK: ~~/androidSDK



    1 actionable task: 1 executed

    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: app

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    * What went wrong:

    Could not initialize class java.nio.file.FileSystems$DefaultFileSystemHolder

    * Try:

    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

    * Get more help at https:/~~/

    BUILD FAILED in 1s

    Command failed with exit code 1: ~~/gradlew cdvBuildDebug -b ~~/build.gradle

  • I noticed a few bugs with 3D Shapes that should be fixed quickly :

    - Impossible to use LineOfSight to a 3D shape, I feel like it should work like a 2D sprite (on an image point on the Back face).

    - Can't adjust image point for 3D shape (necessary for some tiled games workflow to use snap and corner image point).

    - Opacity on 3D shapes makes some faces glitchy, for example I you reduce the opacity by 1 from 100 to 0 and then do the reverse, some faces won't show the opacity properly during and after the changes.

    Also, generally, I feel like layers should be "2D" until you had a 3D shape into it. Idk but I feel like 2D and 3D layers interaction with one another is not clear (at least for me).

    That's all ! Thanks, I'm really trying to use 3D shape in a project so that's the hurdles I encountered.

    • Also (max 1000 words) there is this problem :

      - If you set the objects to faces on the instance 0 of a 3D shape and create the same shape on another layout, the faces won't use the texture object. The texture object for each face has to be present on the layout where the 3D shape are spawned into... No other object in C3 has this peculiarity. You can't use Set face to object if the object isn't on the layout where you placed the 3D shape... It should be possible if the faces are on one layout at least ?

  • Thank you for this fix! I kept running into the issue but had no clue what was wrong.