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Updated Dark theme, bug fixes
06 July, 2017 ()
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In this build the Dark theme has been updated to resolve some issues and update the design. If you havent' already, give it a try by changing your theme in Construct 3's settings! We also realised that due to an oversight there was nowhere visible in the UI to zoom a layout view. The keyboard shortcuts are to hold Ctrl and mousewheel or +/- on the keyboard, but now there's zoom options in the context menu as well.
As ever there's a few more bug fixes, and please let us know if you run in to any issues by filing a report following all the guidelines.
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Exécuter r44
Nouveaux ajouts
Layout view: new zoom options in 'View' menu
Updated Dark theme to latest version, improving design in several places and fixing some issues
Updated minifier used for exporting projects to the latest version
Corrections de bug
Event sheet view: sometimes unselecting event blocks didn't work correctly
Parameters dialog: issues with autocomplete in r43
Parameters dialog: autocomplete suggestions now work better when editing half-way through a name
Color spinners not working properly in the Image Editor
Revert state of overridden layers when the global layer they reference is deleted for any reason.
Data editor would crash after having html pasted into it
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