Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

A few more bug fixes

21 January, 2025 ()

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We're now close to a new stable release, but there were just a couple of final changes we wanted to make in one more beta release. This includes a fix for a bug where importing images in the Animation Editor could cause project files to have the wrong data format (e.g. JPEG data in a .png file), which could cause other problems like making the Windows Icon Updater look like it didn't work (whereas the problem was having JPEG data in a .png file). Note the fix prevents this happening again but won't fix any existing projects with the problem, so if you have trouble with things like updating icons, try removing and re-importing the icon files.

One other change regards how the Audio plugin handles music tracks in Safari. Due to Safari bugs we have to use a workaround for music playback in Safari, and this previously only supported playing one track at a time. We've now changed this to allow playing up to two tracks at a time, as that is enough to allow for a cross-fade between two tracks.

All being well we should have a stable release out next week. Happy testing!

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Exécuter r423

Changelog iconChangements

Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 4 favoris
Audio: change a Safari bug workaround to allow playing two music tracks simultaneously instead of just one (to allow for cross-fades)

Changelog iconCorrections de bug

Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 5 favoris
Audio: improve error handling if audio unloaded while still loading
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 5 favoris
Animations editor: project file image format changing after loading an image (regression r409)

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  • Dear developers,

    Two requests

    1)your MIDI addon doesn't work with worker ON

    Can you fix it?

    this is extremely important

    2) when exporting WebView to macosx standalone application, the midi stops functioning

    Writes an error stating that the edge or safari browser is required

    But how do I enable them and where?

    Both of these browsers are installed on the system and updated!

    But the midi addon refuses to work

    How can I fix this?

    Maybe there should be some settings when exporting?

    I don't see them!

  • Another request

    Please-implement the ability to replace the audio effect

    As well as replacing the reverb pulse-with a separate command-without unloading the effect

    Now it is absolutely impossible-just upload all the effects at once

    I will be grateful to you!

  • hay un problema tambien en el motor,ejemplo cuando quieres hacer un click de la mitad izquierda de la pantalla no funciona y no puedes arrastrar nada ,

    hace 3 versiones que anda asi