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More Tween triggers; Animations Editor settings; framerate mode control & more
27 February, 2024 ()
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In this week's release we've updated how settings work for the Animations Editor. You can now click the three-dot icon in the caption of the Animations Editor - next to the close button - to open settings specific to the Animations Editor. This includes the 'guess collision polygon' setting that was previously in the main Settings dialog, and also a new setting to use file names to determine animation names, and possibly other settings in future. In other animation-related features, the Tween behavior now has triggers for when a tween loops or ping-pongs, so you can have event sheet logic that reacts to this happening.
Another update is now you can change the framerate mode at runtime, and also set not just a minimum framerate but a maximum framerate too. If a maximum framerate is specified, then if the project runs at a higher framerate, it starts to go in to fast-forward (imposing a minimum delta-time, whereas the minimum framerate imposes the maximum delta-time). One use for this is for another technique to simulate the project running in the background. Browsers or operating systems usually force the project to suspend when it's in the background, so it does not keep running (and doing so wastes battery anyway). With these new features you can force the project to run in fast-forward when it resumes, quickly simulating the amount of time passing had the project kept running while in the background. The new 'Catch-up time' example demonstrates this. There are other techniques that are simpler, such as advancing in-game timers, but this provides another option while still preserving battery and system resources by allowing the app to suspend when in the background.
As ever there's a few more other new examples, and a set of bug fixes. Happy testing and stay tuned for more updates!
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Exécuter r381
Nouveaux ajouts
Tween behavior: add loop and ping-pong triggers
System 'Set framerate mode' action
Animations editor: new 'Miscellaneous settings' dialog
New examples 'Catch-up time', 'Fruit merger', 'Pixel data reader', 'Traffic jam'
Animations editor: setting to use the file name for created animation name
Change 'Set minimum framerate' action to 'Set min/max framerate' with maximum framerate option
Animations editor: move 'guess collision polygon' setting to Animations Editor settings
Corrections de bug
Advanced Random: savegames did not include random number generator state
Tiled Background: savegames did not include image transform/tile randomization state
Animations editor: avoid reading folders named '__MACOSX' when importing folders/zips
Animations editor: copying and pasting animation frames in the editor producing unexpected results at runtime
Flowcharts: unexpected elements being highlighted
Flowcharts: crash copying nodes with the keyboard shortcut if there are only outputs selected
Find all references: possible crash showing from 'View used addons' dialog
Global layers: crash moving instance from overridden layer (regression r377)
Hierarchies: runtime crash loading some hierarchies from JSON
Scripting updates
Add IRuntime properties framerateMode, minFramerate, maxFramerate
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