Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
A big batch of changes, compatibility, and bug fixes
30 May, 2017 ()
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This build is largely just the result of ploughing through more bug reports. We're working hard to make sure Construct 3 works smoothly, and also are tieing up any loose ends where C3 was missing something C2 had, or if it unintentionally worked differently. As usual there's a big batch of bug fixes, and we still have plenty more work to do as well.
One extra note is we've updated the minification tool we use in the build system. In theory this shouldn't change anything, but in the past has caused some extra bugs due to minification problems, so please keep an eye out for anything amiss.
The full version of Construct 3 has been extended to this Saturday (3rd June), so you can keep testing the full version of Construct 3 until then! We are also hoping to make subscriptions available soon as well, so keep an eye out for that.
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Nouveaux ajouts
Event Sheet View: can now drag and drop events to the bottom of the event sheet, even if a group is expanded
Press ctrl/cmd + click to pick a color from an image at any time in the image editor
Event Sheet View: when 'Hide add action rows' enabled, the 'Add action' row is still shown for events with no actions.
Dialogs with a search field now no longer focus it on mobile, to prevent the on-screen keyboard appearing with the dialog.
Parameters dialog: pasting content no longer brings up autocomplete
Parameters dialog: improvements to autocomplete usability on mobile
Keep track of a single state for the color palette across the different modes of the image editor
Press shift instead of ctrl/cmd to snap line/rectangle/ellipse tool in the image editor
Corrections de bug
'Copy as text' for events now marks inverted conditions
Event Sheet View: copy-pasting multiple event groups now ensures every group gets a unique name
Project Bar: renaming items with long names didn't always work
Sprite/Tiled Background: loading images from project files didn't work in preview mode
Layout View: copy/paste or ctrl+drag of instances did not always preserve Z order
Adding/editing a family now correctly sorts the object list on the left
Possible crash drag-dropping files in to Construct 3 then removing the original files
Hide all unneeded gutter handles in the different modes of the image editor
Add 1 pixel of transparent border when cropping image that have no transparent space to crop
Select expressions from the expressions dictionary by hitting enter
Crash when deleting several animation frames by keeping Delete key pressed in the animations editor
Incorrect instance sizes after importing an animation from a sprite sheet and replacing selecting the option to replace the whole animation
Prevent the creation of unneeded undo point when using the fill tool in the image editor
Hide the expressions dictionary by default in mobile
Z Order Bar and Bookmarks Bar not behaving and expected
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