Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
02 December, 2020 ()
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Integrating the new minifier with Construct has been very complicated, and unfortunately one more unforeseen issue came up only after we made the last release. This release should correct that issue so hopefully the new minifier is working OK now.
One other issue came up - the Scripts type project property that allows you to switch between Classic and Module scripts was accidentally hidden. It should now be visible again! See the tutorial for Upgrading projects from classic scripts to modules for more information. Remember the old Classic mode will be removed in future, so existing projects ought to switch.
In case you missed it, see also the r227 release notes, which include details about the new minifier and work being done on touch input in the editor.
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Exécuter r227.2
Corrections de bug
New minifier not loading (regression in r227)
Project 'Scripts type' property accidentally hidden
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