Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
11 June, 2020 ()
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As happens sometimes, the previous release accidentally introduced some further minor issues. We wanted to make sure these were all corrected before a stable release, so we're releasing a patch release to verify that everything is working as we want.
As ever if you run in to any issues please file an issue following all the guidelines. All being well we should have a stable release out soon.
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Exécuter r203.2
Updated 'Multiplayer chat' example to require entering a room name
Corrections de bug
Tween bahavior: Value expression getting the wrong value
Timelines: crash saving the state of a timeline with the system save action (regression r202)
Properties bar: crash selecting multiple timeline elements
Partager Construct 3 la parution r203.2 maintenant