Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
Bug fixes; candidate for stable release
20 April, 2020 ()
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We're hoping to move to a stable release soon, so in this release we are continuing to focus on bug fixes and other reliability changes only. If all goes well we should be able to release a stable update next week, but bear in mind this may be delayed if any serious new issues are discovered.
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Exécuter r196
SpriteFont: use default character set when no instances placed in project
Corrections de bug
Empty tilemap with Physics behavior had wrong collision mask
Possible crash using destroy mode with both Tween and Pin
Mobile apps: ensure URL whitelist allowed for iframes
NWjs: UserFolder expression did not include drive letter on Windows
Firefox: crash closing parameters dialog while choosing keyboard key
iOS: work around iOS bug causing wrong window sizes after 'Add to home screen'
Tween Behavior: floating point numbers getting rounding
Tween Behavior: fix timing issue when starting new tweens on an 'On finished' trigger
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