Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
Bug fixes, candidate for stable release
24 February, 2020 ()
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This release brings what is hopefully the last batch of fixes before we move to a stable release, so it's effectively a release candidate. All being well we will make a stable release next week, but if there are other unforeseen issues it may take longer. So please test carefully and let us know about any issues you run in to by filing a bug! (As ever please try to follow all the guidelines to make sure we can help.)
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Exécuter r188
Share plugin: app rating/store page actions can now leave app ID empty to use project's app ID
Corrections de bug
NW.js plugin: several features not working in web worker mode
In some circumstances mouse click events could incorrectly fire twice in worker mode
Possible crash building iOS export from Export Manager
Selected item not always fully visible when scrolling lists by keyboard
Timeline Bar: crash changing property keyframes referring to the text property of SpriteFont instances
Tilemap Bar: toolbar buttons showing wrong behaviour after using keyboard shortcuts
Custom Eases: missing balloon tip messages
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