Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
10 February, 2020 ()
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This release is mostly a maintenance release with some more bug fixes. It also includes the ability to import GIF files to the Animations Editor, but note due to limitations in browsers only the first frame can be used.
We're aiming to move towards a stable release in the next few weeks, so the number of changes will slow down as we aim to stabilise this release cycle. Let us know if you run in to any issues and all being well we should be on track for a stable release by early March.
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Exécuter r186
Nouveaux ajouts
Animations Editor: support importing .gif files (only the first frame of animation)
Corrections de bug
Crash docking/undocking editor bars in Chrome 80+
Possible crash involving balloon tips
Work around more bugs in the Facebook Playable Ad tester tool
Move To behavior: 'Set angle of motion' with 'Set angle' enabled did not change object angle when stopped
Tilemap Bar: crash loading invalid image files
Animations Editor: mirror/flip tooltips were switched
Animations Editor: crash dropping non-image files in the main pane
Timeline Bar: absolute result mode not applied properly in the editor
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