Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
09 January, 2020 ()
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We have some more bug fixes for you with this release. Hopefully this is the last beta release before a stable release next week, assuming no more serious issues come up. So please test carefully and be sure to let us know soon if you think there's anything wrong - all being well a stable release based on this release can be rolled out to everyone soon.
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Exécuter r181.2
Corrections de bug
Possible crash opening dialogs for Timeline Bar or Tilemap Bar
NW.js plugin: update 'Set window width/height' actions to set inner size in latest NW.js versions
Event Sheet: Crash moving tween events referencing a custom ease
Timeline Bar: Crash clicking keyframes while holding ctrl/cmd
Timeline Bar: updating a master keyframe was not updating all related property keyframes
Timeline Bar: create undo point when updating a master keyframe
Tilemap Brush Editor: unable to select tiles (regression r179)
Sprite Plugin: did not always preserve scale when changing initial frame or animation frame size
Scripting updates
Fix Platform behavior vectorY setter not working
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