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16 September, 2019 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
This release adds a new 'Move To' behavior. This can move an object to a position over time - but unlike the Tween behavior, it works using an acceleration, maximum speed, and deceleration. This makes it easier to produce a smoother and more natural movement.
In addition to the basic "move to position with acceleration and deceleration" feature, it also covers more including:
• Adding multiple waypoints to follow in sequence
• Rotating the object as well, so it makes turns in between waypoints
• Following a path set out by a timeline - allowing you to use the timeline editing tools in a layout to visually design a path to follow
• Following a path found by the Pathfinding behavior, allowing using 'Move to' as an alternative movement scheme to the built-in Pathfinding movement. ('Move To' is also guaranteed to land exactly on the target position.)
• Automatically stopping if hitting a solid
This has been a popular feature request for a while, so we're pleased to make the first release of this behavior! Be sure to check out the updated Move to position and new Move along path examples for demonstrations of how the behavior can be used.
As ever there are a few more bug fixes and updates in this release, and there's plenty more work going on behind the scenes too. Stay tuned for more updates.
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Exécuter r166
Nouvelles fonctionnalités
Nouveaux ajouts
New 'Move along path' intermediate example, showing how to use 'Move to' to follow a fixed path designed in a timeline
Additional Alt+Shift+N/B keyboard shortcuts for Next/Back, which can be used while typing
Updated 'Move to mouse' example to 'Move to position' using new 'Move To' behavior
Tiled Background: image offset is automatically wrapped to avoid precision issues
Corrections de bug
Crash using 'Open local file' (regression in r165)
Event sheet view: possible disappearing events and crash undoing when dragging events inside selected group
Scripting updates
Fix runtime.callFunction() not working in script block (note script actions still worked)
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