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New built-in functions; raycasting; visual timelines + more!
01 April, 2019 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
We have a huge update for you today! There are three major new features:
• A new built-in functions feature. This is a completely redesigned functions feature for the event sheet, with a much better workflow. See the video above for an overview! We'll be making a blog post soon too with some more details.
• Support for Raycasting in the Line of Sight behavior. This means if line of sight is not visible (so something is blocking the view), you can now obtain the exact position where line of sight is blocked. There's also a 'Cast ray' action to make it easier to use, and it also returns the angle of both the surface normal and reflection.
• You can now visually edit position timelines as paths directly in the Layout View! We're also working on adding support for bezier curves in these paths, which hopefully will come in another release soon. The timeline feature is now also enabled by default! Previously you had to enable the experimental features setting; it's now available to everyone.
There's a range of other additions and improvements detailed in the changelog below, notably a new Android target API level, support for WebGL 2 on all Android devices (at last), improvements to unicode support and autocomplete in expressions, and optimisations for general event performance in the C3 runtime. As usual there's a batch of bug fixes too.
We're excited about all these updates, but please be aware with big changes comes an increased risk of new issues accidentally being introduced. Please backup any important projects and test carefully, and as usual let us know about any problems by filing bugs following all the guidelines.
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Exécuter r143
Nouvelles fonctionnalités
New built-in functions feature
Line of sight: full support for raycasting, including with new 'Cast ray' action, and returning hit position, normal, reflection etc.
Timeline feature now enabled by default (previously required enabling experimental features)
Timeline: support visually editing position timelines as paths directly in Layout View
Nouveaux ajouts
Bullet behavior: 'Set bounce off solids' action
Drag & drop behavior: 'Set axes' action
Tile Movement: GridTargetX/Y expressions returning the target position in grid cells
Android exports now target API level 28 (Android 9.0 Pie), since this will be required later this year
Re-enabled WebGL 2 on Android with Mali GPUs, since the
underlying issue has been identified and worked around, and is fixed in a future release of Chrome
Expression autocomplete no longer shows while typing numbers
Corrections de bug
Timeline Bar: Unable to undo the addition of keyframes that were added using the keyboard shortcut
Timeline Bar: Crash when changing an ease function
Timeline Bar: Crash when adding an instance with instance variables to a timeline
Tween Behaviour: End values not read properly due to finished tweens not getting released
Tween Behaviour: Set time action not working properly when used on a tween that is scheduled to play, but not playing yet
Tween Behaviour: Runtime crash when setting the ease of a tween with an action
Z order Bar: Crash after undoing a change (regression since r141)
Fixed a number of issues with incorrect unicode handling in expressions (e.g. using emoji in object names)
Possible crash undoing container changes
Debugger: error if project uses circular event sheet includes
Desktop: Physics not working in preview with Worker mode enabled
8 direction: setting vector X/Y could exceed maximum speed
Anchor: in some circumstances could keep changing object size over time
Form controls: element ID could reset when other state changes
Stop Ctrl+Wheel zooming UI in Chrome 73+
Amélioration des performances
Optimised general event performance (in C3 runtime)
Mises à jour du SDK
New "boolean" parameter type for conditions/actions, which shows a checkbox
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