Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
22 November, 2018 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
We have one more release for you this week, bringing another batch of bug fixes as we try to hammer out issues as we approach a stable release. One notable fix is for a regression in r126 where the expressions dictionary may have crashed. There's a few more fixes for the C3 runtime and a couple of other general fixes thrown in too.
Happy Thanksgiving for those of you in the US - but we don't have a holiday over here in the UK so it's business as usual! We do have some staff away next week though (26-30th) so things may slow down during that week, but we'll be back to normal from December 3rd.
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Exécuter r127
Corrections de bug
C3 runtime: creating objects from a familiy did not set correct initial properties (regression in r125)
C3 runtime: crash creating object not placed in any layout via container creation
Expressions Dictionary: crash viewing expressions for objects with no instance variables (regression in r126)
Expressions Dictionary: incorrect appearance in some cases
Animations Editor: Collision polygon misplacement after crop
Animations Editor: Prevent the addition of redundant collision polygon change undo points
Animations Editor: Fix undo of all editor changes after adding frames
Animations Editor: Drag and drop to sort keyframes did not work properly all the time
Tween Behavior: Runtime crash when using the "Tags" expression
User Media: camera input not working on Safari/iOS 12
Possible crash previewing after 'Replace object'
Tilemap Bar: Possible crash when using keyboard shortcuts
Text editor: crashed if failed to load
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