Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

New feature bonanza! Three new plugins & much more

08 October, 2018 ()

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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3

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We have a huge release for you today with tons of new features! Now the C3 runtime is nearly ready, we've been able to use the new and improved codebase to build a whole bunch of new things. This is a taste of what's possible with a better engine! As mentioned previously, most improvements are only for the new C3 runtime, so to see them you'll need to switch to the new C3 runtime.

See the changelog for the full run-down, but in summary there's a new iframe plugin that can show web pages, embeds like YouTube videos, or custom HTML content; a JSON plugin that can read and write JSON files; a Share plugin that can bring up the system default share action e.g. to tweet or message a link (note currently only supported on mobile), a new mode for Particles spawning objects instead of drawing its own image, making it easy to create impressive new kinds of effects; offset, scale & rotate for Tiled Background's image; Physics prismatic joints; and more! There's also another round of bug fixes for the C3 runtime to ensure as many projects as possible can switch over to it.

We've also been busy doing some architectural work, with improvements to WebGL shaders, some memory optimisations to keep both the editor and C3 runtime's memory use low, improvements to ensure Construct is robust even in the face of loading errors, and some SDK updates. This helps ensure the internal architecture is modern, optimal, and can work for the widest range of users possible.

With many changes comes the risk of new issues cropping up, or things possibly not working smoothly yet with brand-new features. However we didn't want to keep you waiting any longer, and remember beta releases are pre-release software where we're still working to get everything right for the next stable release. So please bear with us if there are any issues - other than that, we hope you enjoy trying out everything new!

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Exécuter r121

Nouvelles fonctionnalités

26 favoris
New iframe plugin (C3 runtime only): display another web page in an iframe, display embeds e.g. YouTube videos, or safely show custom HTML content
27 favoris
New JSON plugin (C3 runtime only): create, import, modify and export JSON content
13 favoris
New Share plugin: share text and urls via other apps
28 favoris
Particles: new mode to spawn an object instead of drawing own particles, allowing advanced control of individual particles (C3 runtime only)

Nouveaux ajouts

17 favoris
Tiled Background: support for offset, scale and rotate for image (C3 runtime only)
10 favoris
Physics: support for prismatic joints (C3 runtime only)
7 favoris
Option to save an access code, allowing it to be used persistently
10 favoris
System: actions to load/unload object images by a string of the object name
7 favoris
9-patch: angle actions missing when using C3 runtime
13 favoris
New GPU preference setting in Advanced properties (C3 runtime only, and depends on browser support)


4 favoris
Allow editor to run without WebGL support, although Layout Views cannot be opened. This should avoid broken graphics drivers passing the startup support check but then later crashing the editor.
3 favoris
C3 runtime: use same maximum spritesheet size as C2 runtime to avoid higher memory usage

Corrections de bug

5 favoris
C3 runtime: exported projects could fail to load in Safari
5 favoris
C3 runtime: improve compatibility with Safari 11 by working around Safari bugs
8 favoris
C3 runtime: possible issue using LOS behavior with mirrored object
7 favoris
C3 runtime: 'Pause on unfocus' setting not working with new runtime
4 favoris
C3 runtime: some XPaths in the XML plugin failed to return any values
4 favoris
C3 runtime: tokencount expression with empty string returned 1 instead of 0
3 favoris
C3 runtime: fix handling of WebGL context loss events
5 favoris
C3 runtime: splash loader textures could sometimes be left in memory after loading
4 favoris
C3 runtime: 'On canvas snapshot' not working
7 favoris
Minified exports of projects using 'int' or 'float' expressions didn't work
7 favoris
'Preview' could preview wrong project if multiple projects opened and event sheet view open
3 favoris
Event Sheet View: could let you zoom text smaller than the browser could display
4 favoris
Event Sheet View: possible errors dragging and dropping events referencing local variables
4 favoris
Event Sheet View: crash adding events in popup window
4 favoris
Noise and Pulse effects did not animate if nothing else was happening in the game
5 favoris
Addon Manager: possible crash closing dialog before addon install finished
4 favoris
Nested panes could restore to the incorrect size when the editor is loaded
6 favoris
Multiplayer: updated to support Safari 12
3 favoris
Opening projects from the cloud could fail in Edge

Amélioration des performances

13 favoris
Support for asynchronous WebGL shader compilation, helping games using lots of effects start up faster
14 favoris
Reduce the memory overhead of the editor and C3 runtime, especially on systems with many CPU cores

Mises à jour du SDK

8 favoris
Improved diagnostic messages if an addon is misconfigured
6 favoris
New methods C3SDK_ListAddonIDs() and C3SDK_ListACEIDs() to explore IDs for certain API calls
6 favoris
Added IProject.GetSingleGlobalObjectType()
6 favoris
Added IAnimation/IAnimationFrame property setters/getters

Mises à jour des langages

6 favoris
Added in-progress Chinese (simplified) translation

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