Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
Some more changes and a few SDK updates
20 September, 2018 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
We're aiming for this to be our last beta update before a stable update early next week, and it brings some last changes we want to make before then. There's a new example showing a basic usage of the Local Storage plugin, a new Line-of-sight condition for the C3 runtime that allows testing line-of-sight between any two points in the layout, and a couple of extra changes and fixes.
We've also made a batch of updates to the SDK which should help developers integrate their addons in the ways they want, especially with the Custom Importer API. We look forwards to seeing what addon developers can do, especially with the new runtime!
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Exécuter r119
Nouveaux ajouts
New intermediate example 'Local storage - high score'
C3 runtime: new Line-of-sight behavior condition 'Has LOS between positions', essentially allowing segment intersection tests anywhere
Previewing with no layouts open now previews the project
Use popup preview mode by default for Safari 12, since it has per-site settings that can allow popups permission to Construct 3 only
Corrections de bug
C3 runtime: Mobile Advert "Create banner advert" not working
C3 runtime: possible error using Line-of-Sight behavior
Mises à jour du SDK
IEventBlock.AddCondition()/AddAction() methods not working
Add IProject.CreateFamily()
Add IWorldInstance.SetOpacity(), IContainer.SetSelectMode()/GetSelectMode()
Add public runtime APIs for Tilemap
Instances did not always use correct origin when created with Custom Importer API
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