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Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Fix for C3 runtime exports

24 July, 2018 ()

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The r110 release was meant to add support for exporting projects using the C3 runtime. However it got broken by our build system that prepares Construct 3 releases. This ended up being pretty complicated to fully support. We've tried to fix it to make sure you can test this feature, but there could be further issues, so it's probably worth testing carefully if you use it.

There's also two more fixes for the Animations Editor. Other than that we released r110 yesterday with 16 changes, so in case you missed it check the r110 release notes here.

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Exécuter r110.2

Corrections de bug

5 favoris
C3 runtime: fix exporting C3 runtime projects
3 favoris
Animations Editor: Crash when expanding an animation sub folder
3 favoris
Animations Editor: Crash when sorting multiple frames

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  • Thanks for the quick fixes ;) The animation editor seems to be suffering from similiar bugs frequently, maybe it would be a good idea to give it like a day of "stress testing" or something? But either way, always cool to see the speed of development by you guys!