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A revolutionary theme studied and built for both professional & beginners
At first glance, DARCSS may look like just a theme, but it's so much more in reality; It's a whole project aimed to expand your experience inside the construct 3 environment to give you the power to do more, starting now with a beautifully crafted and professional theme (DARCSS) following then with a suite of tools and functions (DARCTIME, coming soon) all in one single bundle. If you believe that construct deserves a better look than what the default options offer, then I hope you will enjoy this suite of addons as much as I enjoyed making them.
Buy with us and we will refund 100% of the cost of the asset if it's non-functional or not as described and the author doesn't fix the issue for you in a timely manner.
Removes unnecessary clutter and makes important stuff good on the eye, which is just what you need when you're tired of vanilla.
Getting used takes some time, but you'll be better off with it.
I'm glad you like it!
Great support, great looks, great everything!
I have only worked with this theme short time, but I have to say WOW! Everyone should have this theme. I now have more workspace (love this). Colors to differentiate between items/icons and elements (really nice when working on large projects). As a professional graphic designer, I really appreciate the layout, functionality and easy on the eyes. Perhaps a little to dark for my taste, but perhaps its just a matter of time to get use to this. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK mitsuhashish! Looking forward to further tools and updates in the future. Thank you!
I've been using Construct's default theme for many years. It has always felt sort of... I don't know... childish? The included dark theme is a bit better, but DAR{CSS} is great! It feels like a professional tool and I'm actually more excited to work on my game now!
I also like that it is more compact. For example, I measured the vertical height of one of my event groups. Here's what I found:
Default Theme: 716 pixels
Dark Theme: 853 pixels
DAR{CSS}: 582 pixels
This means I can see more of my "code" without having to scroll up and down as much! That's a win in my book.
My only real dislike at this point is that some of the editors, like the Sprite Editor, are nearly the same color as the stuff behind them. I wish the editors stood out more.