Classic Tetris: Falling blocks

Falling Blocks is a game strongly inspired by the classic TETRIS.

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Falling Blocks is a game strongly inspired by the classic TETRIS.

Try in Arcade!

Classic Tetris: Falling blocks

  • $17 USD

    One copy of this game & source for a single user

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  • 1.0.0

    Released: 21 Feb, 2022

    first version of "Classic Tetris - Falling Blocks"

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The ZIP package contains the construct 3 file for the game, a detailed guide and the HTML5 export package. The game has a 1040×800 resolution. After you reskin the game, simply export it in HTML5 and upload the result to your server.

Replace the assets/sounds with your own assets. Once you have the assets, replacing them takes only 5 minutes!

Please don't use the same assets.

You will find the .c3p source code and the HTML5 export, both zipped.

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