Game Making for Dummies: Hilarious Adventures in Construct 3

Every game developer starts with an idea, and it can come from anything:

Every game developer starts with an idea, and it can come from anything:

Game Making for Dummies: Hilarious Adventures in Construct 3

  • $10 USD

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    Released: 12 Aug, 2024

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Every game developer starts with an idea, and it can come from anything: a dream, a conversation, or the eighth cup of coffee at 3 AM. But listen, if your idea involves a bird and pipes, just stop right there. Seriously. Instead, think outside the box. Why? Because inside that box, there's already a cat, and it’s angry.

So, what’s your big idea? A game about a vegan vampire? An intergalactic pizza delivery service? Perfect! The more absurd, the better. The key to starting your game-making adventure is to embrace the ridiculous. Remember, people love games that are just plain fun and bizarre. The weirder, the better.

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    12 Aug, 2024

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