Yura G's Forum Posts

  • dt is actually time that passed since you started the layout.

    Sorry, but wrong.

    dt is the time of the current frame/tick, its value is about 0.016 when the game running 60 frames per second.

    And sometimes it is critical to multiply the value to the frame time to get frame-rate-independent animations.

    It is good to do if you want your game to run smooth even on weaker devices.

    Better to read the manual, I found there countless tips and shortcuts to use.

  • You can do it even without conditions, just set Paddle X to "clamp(Mouse.X,100,500)", and play with the numbers accordigly to lower and higher values.

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    You want news for construct 3?!

    Drop down list in "initial animation" was

    confirmed for C3!!!

    The dropdown for animation property has been done for C3.

    Here is the source:


  • Hi lucid ,

    I have a little question/request.

    I like Spriter, and it is a good alternative to frame-by-frame sequences, especially for big/long animations and in a download-weight-size aspect.

    But I noticed that .scml and .scon files tend to become big, sometimes more than a 1mb in size even for small animations (My record is 7mb in weight)

    Also I noticed that those files are text based, and easily compressed by zip.

    For example, 1mb .scml file compressed by 7z to 23kb(!!!) in size.

    Windows zip compress to 45kb...

    RAR should be somewhere in between...

    So, is it possible to make those files smaller to download?

    Please include in the Spriter option to export and read compressed text files, there are many compression+uncompress algorithms out there to use, even for JavaScript.

    I know that those files will become unredable, but it is a good option for export, additionaly in some aspects a more secure one (like minified/uglified script, but unlike minifier, it could be a total gibberish if comressed).

    Thank you.

  • As more expirienced developer I suggest you to not mess with official plugins,

    because every Construct 2 update may conflict with your upgrades.

    If you want your modifications, better to duplicate the Text plugin call it for example "Super Text" and change it.

    But even better to use already writen plugin that solves your request:


    But I agree, outline could be a good addition to the official Text plugin.

  • Hello, my name is Yura,

    I'm leading game developer at Netomedia.

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    My opinion: If you really see your future as a game-developer, you should buy Construct 2 now.

    If you want to become good at something you need Experience, but now you are limiting yourself with free version (Am I right?), 100 actions, 4 layers and etc...

    It doesn't matter Construct 2 or 3, if you want to unlock your limits - unlock it now. You have to see the full potential of the tool.

    In the long term, it will pay off.

    Always invest in yourself - it is the best thing that you could do.

    Worst scenario, you will need to save some money, to pay the update, but you already will have the tool to earn money, and hopefully you will know how.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Are there any Monospace fonts that are supported?

    You have a list of fonts in properties when you edit text, maybe you can find something there, but be prepared that maybe some fonts wont look the same in all browsers.

    I suggest you to use WebFonts, for example Google have wide variety of free fonts to use, and lots of Monospace, look here:


  • Thank you

  • "Destroy on Startup" - is a good feature.

    - I agreed with you from the start, the only reason why I had so many evolution steps - the needed feature is absent.

    So, yeah, both hands up.

  • "Destroy on Startup" - is a good feature.

    Rather than use "Destroy" on start of the layout - there are three more easy ways to implement that feature:

    (Evolution of my solutions)

    *Add behavior "Destroy outside layout" and place it outside layout - not good for all the cases.

    *Add all the objects you want to destroy in a family (I call that family "Destroyable"), and easily drag into that family all the sprites you want to destroy, and on start of the layout destroy only that family - cons: you have to create a family for each type of plugins: Sprites, Particles, Texts....

    *Instead creating objects in the main layout and destroying them - create objects in another layout and never use that layout

  • Also, one of the best tutorials on that topic:


    Although it is better for those ones who create games in a team.

  • For me working the best:

    • Concept and clear specification.
    • Making clear goal what the game shoud be, something realy achievable. If you cant achieve it, next time, lower your expectations. It is okey to lower your requests - You always could expand it later AFTER you will reach your goal.
    • From now follow your goal only.
    • Building (Or re use if you already have) basic mechanics (Loading, scene changes, layout managment, menu), try to build them generic, so you could use it in other games as well.
    • Building base game play mechanics, also generic if possible.
    • Until now use only place holders, with graphics that wont take you more than a minute per sprite to make. Give your art sprites only three things: SHAPE, COLOR, SIZE
    • Complete game mechanics, the game should work from start to end.
    • Give somebody to try your game, be open minded for changes and suggestions. Everything is good if they say that the art is crappy, it is bad if someone says that he dont know what to do or have bugs. If they say that everithing is OK, they are not a good testers, they are too polite, the art at that point is CRAPPY
    • Finish game mechanics after the suggestions.
    • Only after finishing game mechanics, start with art, and only art releted bugs should be corrected, dont develop new mechanics, that stage is over, otherwise you will caught yourself in "Feature creep" and wont finish your game.
    • The sound is last, both audio and music.
    • Give someone to test again.
    • Fix bugs
    • Release version 1.00.00, and be ready to version 1.00.02
    • Only now, after you already have finished game, you can think about expanding your goal.

    It is very important not to skip steps and do not change order.

    It is verry compelling to skip straight to beautifull art or sound, but it is very counter-productive.

    First make your game work, only than add those luxuries.

  • Colludium thank you

  • You can achieve all this by using events and without touching the fading behavior, or, using the fade behavior, it's all about logic.

    I know, but still, I think those requests very trivial that could save precious time.

    I want something generic so I would not repeat my code for each type (sprite, spriter, text... Because each type I can unite in family...)

    I'm thinking about writing my own behavior, but I dont like the idea to extend scirras build-in behavior - because they could become not back-compatibility for future scirras updates.

    More over TELLES0808, if every problem could be solved with events, why we need behaviors?

    So no behaviors needed. Why we need frameworks if we dont need plugins and behaviors, we could use JavaScript alone.

    Or something more native to the machine, C++.

    Wait, why we need code if we could use Assembly or machine code... Realy... Step by step... And we are back into 1960s.

    Little off topic: https://youtu.be/8pTEmbeENF4

    To follow the fading progress, simple follow the opacity of the object, and trigger any event with the desired condition, the same for waiting and fadeout.

    It is not that simple, I want to stop fades, or other object react to fading of other objects, but some object have different starting opacities so that logic quickly can become a mess.

    To know if the fade is active, you can simple check if the fade started yet or finished yet, if it start and don't finish, it still active...

    How can I do that? Object with fade havo no fade related conditions, and only 3 fade values: FadeInTime, WaitTime and FadeOutTime.

    So again, it is possible to solve all those problems witout fade. No doubt.

    But it is my small request, I realy think that requests could save a lot of troubles to many developers.

    I hope my opinion counts.

    Thank you.