YoHoho's Forum Posts

  • After performing some more work on my game build, I'm looking to improve/fix any of my coding in the Events Sheets. Everything I've implemented seems to work fine. Eventually I'll make things look far more organized. Any help would be appreciated.


  • I'll have to look over a path-finding tutorial since I haven't used it yet. Hopefully this can produce the results that I want. I also really just want some sort of great example of a beat em up made in Construct 2 already.

  • Well, I have my Player and my Enemy moving towards each other. And that's about it.

    The tutorial developer's .capx file includes having an instance variable on the Enemy for the STATE of "walking" but I wasn't able to even change it in the events tab. Not sure what the issue with it it.

    I'm not sure how to go about figuring out when the Enemy should even detect the player (collision with object OR comparing X,Y variables). I tried the X,Y and it's just awful mixed results (not getting the Enemy to return to walking, not sure of distance). Anyone has any clues as to what to use, I could use some help.

    Well, I have my Player and my Enemy moving towards each other. And that's about it.

    The tutorial developer's .capx file includes having an instance variable on the Enemy for the STATE of "walking" but I wasn't able to even change it in the events tab. Not sure what the issue with it it.

    I'm not sure how to go about figuring out when the Enemy should even detect the player (collision with object OR comparing X,Y variables). I tried the X,Y and it's just awful mixed results (not getting the Enemy to return to walking, not sure of distance). Anyone has any clues as to what to use, I could use some help.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/x2peztm94xwfl ... .capx?dl=0

  • Thanks. I'll have to look those over sometime. It would be nice if all of these plugins had a video/gif demonstration but no worries.

  • I have some things in mind for making simple transition effects between layouts. But I wanted to know if any of the experience developers here have some tips to putting a transition together OR any of their own effects they use from time to time. I also wanted to know if the size of animated sprites makes any significant difference in having your game run properly (browser or download), seeing as how I want to use an animation for a transition effect in my trials. Any help would be appreciated.

  • So is "choose" just an action built into Construct 2 that will always perform a random variable name in any event it's found?

  • Funny enough, I just d/l the beatemup.capx from the tutorial (luckily still available) and the developer implemented a way for the AI enemy to find the player using compare values x,y. So clearly this is the way to go as the game build preview ran very well. I do like the idea of using the bullet behavior for other sorts of enemies.

    I also want to know how I would handle a jumping animation/event. Considering that the player's shadown/box isn't supposed to go higher than a certain point on the Y axis, how would I implement jumping? You can always jump in a beat 'em up even if you can't go any higher on the stage. Hopefully I'll get to try this out sometime.

  • youtube.com/watch


    I followed this tutorial which hasn't been concluded <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" />, so I'm going to try and complete the basic gameplay system using my limited knowledge and help from the forums.

    I figure I can setup an AI enemy with the same behaviors (default control OFF) along with their attack animations. After that, what would be the best choice of setting up the AI enemy to start moving towards my player? I haven't used the Line Of Sight behavior yet so I'm not sure of its workings. Any ideas for this would be appreciated.

  • Adding a "platform" behavior to the wall object is something I hadn't considered. It makes sense. I'll try everything else as well. I still couldn't understand why my other picture wouldn't show up when I selected it from the title screen. I had images set to invisible with the game state making certain ones visible but it wasn't working.

  • Well, I'm looking to have a player hit an object/sprite, which will then increase in size. When it reaches a certain size, the object/sprite will be destroyed with a shower of particles. I'll look over the plugins when I get a chance. Thanks.

  • I'm wondering how to accomplish this for an effect, along with destroying the enemy with a particle effect. How exactly would you know the proper size of the sprite to then have an event cause it to be destroyed/explode with particles?

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  • I'm making a game where I would like the game action to slow down once the GAME OVER text appears, and then eventually the game action stops. Then the player can either restart or go the main menu. I'm aware of the Time Scale feature so I'd like to know what events I'd need to accomplish this.

  • OK, I have finally created something that I can say is "working." This is mostly to test some of the functions I've learned from watching so many tutorials.Basically you reveal a picture underneath another picture by zapping diamonds and increasing your score. ASD keys stop the Zappers in place and shoot a line to zap the diamonds.

    I have provided a link to the .capx file in my profile and hopefully this new link posting works: www(dot)dropbox.com/s/8pb2gkieqyj0bti/ChanceGame%20Test.capx?dl=0. Any feedback is appreciated. However, I'm really looking to fix a couple of things that I already planned but couldn't get working. Here's the list:

    • Keeping the diamonds from going out of the blue boundary (bouncing back if they hit an invisible boundary object while still dropping)
    • Adding an object that when zapped: adds +3 seconds to timer OR slows down all diamonds (optional stuff to enhance the gameplay)
    • Showing the other picture when selecting it from the menu (I couldn't not get this to work at all after multiple attempts; not sure why)
    • Ability to view the unlocked pictures in the title menu (need some ideas to get this working)
    • Add to the score [increments of 10, 20, etc.] the diamond gives when zapped in a certain area (this explains the lines in the play area; need some ideas to get this working)

    Thanks for any help/ideas in advance.

  • > I think it's quite hard to grab the rope


    Hey thanks for the feedback, can you be more specific? For example, what made it feel difficult, and what would you expect to do to grab ropes instead? Also, did you make it to the end of the level?

    Actually, this is kind of what I was talking about.

    For the part where you're trying to get to the mask and you have to jump onto several of the vertical ropes, pressing JUMP and then pressing UP to grab the next rope sometimes makes the player grab the rope they were just on. I'm guessing this is some sort of collision issue. I tend to press buttons quickly so that I don't fall too far when jumping from ropes/ledges.

    That's the only problem I had in the demo.

  • I think this works just as you want. The rope climbing mechanic works. I think there maybe an issue with pressing UP rather quickly makes the character grab onto the rope you just jumped from, as opposed to the rope you're going for (this is apparent considering that you're afraid of falling down and dying).