XHXIAIEIN's Forum Posts

  • Ashley I always have to go through a review process when I submit a new suggestion. And I've noticed that if I edit a previously submitted suggestion, it also goes through the review process and the link disappears until it's approved.

    This situation has been going on for 2 months, I remember that he had been working normally before and did not need to enter review. I wonder if my account triggers some spam mechanism of the platform, because I still see new suggestions being posted on the suggestion platform.


    PS. Although I think the number of suggestions on the platform is enough, it is time to limit it. At present, there are more than 320 entries in total. Even if you can complete one in 2 days, it will be impossible to complete it next year, haha..

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  • Here's an simple example, you can check mrcgkh answer.



    You can make multiple CSV sheet to store different data.

    - Room sheet: contains the 'object IDs' that may appear in the room.

    - Obect sheet: contains the 'event IDs' or interactive for each object ID

    - Event sheet: contains possible triggering events.

  • I look forward to the day when the Hierarchy can set the origin position of the parent object to be passed.

  • <i onclick="clickTrain(17)">Train</i>
    function clickTrain(x) {
     parent.c3_callFunction("name", ["param1", "param2"]);
  • Yes. Sometimes I bring my laptop outdoors to work, but I often encounter network connection issues that prevent me from previewing projects correctly. I am certain that the browser has the current version of offline cache because I have been using it normally at home. It's just that when I switch to a different WiFi network outside, it doesn't work properly, which is quite strange.

    There is another issue as well. I am located in China, I frequently face problems Enter C3 editor due to the GFW. I have to use a VPN, but even the stability of the VPN can cause abnormal network connections.

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  • Yes, C3 is supported, and it works great! I often manage my objects this way, and it helps me to sort the same type of objects to show them together in debug layout. because the debug layout does not support object grouping.

    For example:

    I have some form controls, input boxes, buttons, sliders, etc. that I use as Debugger. I will prefix the names with 🎚️ or 🎛️ and they will appear at the top of the list for my debugging. That way I won't see them because they take up too long a list.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I made a few examples before:

    - JSON Branch Dialogue System


    - CSV to JSON



    And these tutorials from many years ago:

    - Branch Dialogue System Tutorial by Laura


    - JSON dialogue Example by Kyatric


  • Monster.X = Player.X + radius * cos(angle)
    Monster.Y = Player.Y + radius * sin(angle)
  • I made an example of this before, Convert CSV to JSON via JavaScript. You can export as a CSV file in Excel. Then convert to JSON in C3.

    CSV to JSON


    Another example JSON Branch Dialogue System



    and save them with their header as Key. if they have the same ID, they are stored as an array.

    Screen1_Intro,Bob,"Hi, Alice! How are you today?"
    Screen1_Intro_A1,Alice,That's great! What are you up to today?
    Screen1_Intro_A2,Alice,"I'm okay, What about you?"

    Convert to JSON:

     "Screen1_Intro": [
     "Name": "Alice",
     "Text": "Hi!"
     "Name": "Bob",
     "Text": "Hi, Alice! How are you today?"
     "Screen1_Intro_A1": [
     "Name": "Alice",
     "Text": "That's great! What are you up to today?"
     "Screen1_Intro_A2": [
     "Name": "Alice",
     "Text": "I'm okay, What about you?"

    Here is the code to convert csv to JSON.

    Create a new js file in the Scripts folder and paste it in. Note that this Script properties need to set the Purpose to 'Imports for events'.

    function csvToJson(csv) {
     const lines = csv.split("\n");
     const headers = lines[0].split(",");
     const result = {};
     for (let i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
     const currentLine = lines[i].split(/,(?=(?:(?:[^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)/);
     const obj = {};
     for (let j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) {
     const header = headers[j];
     const value = currentLine[j] ? currentLine[j].replace(/^"|"$/g, '') : '';
     if (header !== headers[0] && value) {
     obj[header] = value;
     if (Object.keys(obj).length) {
     const screen = currentLine[0].replace(/^"|"$/g, '');
     if (!result[screen]) {
     result[screen] = [];
     return JSON.stringify(result);

    It's also very easy to use in C3.

  • For example, you have a dictionary of object type named call 'PlayerData'. Then you added the 'Level' key to the dictionary.

    const playerData = runtime.objects.PlayerData.getFirstInstance().getDataMap();
    const playLevel = playerData.get('Level');

    Set Value

    const playerData = runtime.objects.PlayerData.getFirstInstance().getDataMap();
    playerData.set('Level', 20);
  • here are many ways to implement:

    HTML element

    If you are using the HTML element, You can create a 'Text Input' object and set its Type to 'Textarea', which is the easiest way.And If you want to change its CSS style, you can create a new 'Stylesheet' file in the File Folder.Such as hiding scroll bars, Disable borders, changing text size, font, etc.

    Blend mode

    You can use the 'Destination out' effect in Blend mode to use a 'Mask' object to block the screen and only display part of the text.

    text Mask Scroll Clamped - Example by Federico Calchera


    Also, you can use only 1 Mask object to create the effect of a mask, as sub-layers.


    String Expressions in text

    Use 'tokenat', 'tokencount', 'min', 'max', 'mid' system expressions to split the string to implement the text scrolling.And You can find the documentation for these expressions here:Manual - System expressions - Text

    Scroll Text - Example by Stan Merezhko


    Text Scroll Mask - Example by Zackarotto


  • R344 Platform inconsistently when side close to the wall still moving. Since this is not a bug, it was not committed to github, just wanted to discuss it here.

    Take the built-in platform game example as an case: In the R366 version, the Platform will not be considered as 'is moving' when it side close to the wall, When he moves to the edge of the wall, he will stop and no particle animation will appear. But on R344 it behaves inconsistently.it will still be moving.

    R336: When walking on a wall, it stops.(Animation: Idle, particles: stop)

    R344: When walking on the wall, it will continue to be moving.(Animation: Walk, particles: playing)

    This is a screen recording of the same example in different versions, you can observe the difference between R336 and R344.

    Open Example .c3p R336 R344
    #open=world-to-hud-position Example1-R336 Example1-R344
    #open=shockwave-spell Example2-R336 Example2-R344

    details: Windows 10 / Chrome 113.0.5672.129 / Approx 8 GB / NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 / Direct3D11 / WebGL 2.0 / Monitor 60 Hz


    Is this a BUG? Not exactly. It's just a tricky way to rely on "abnormal" platform performance. Because on other monitors, the above situation is different. Here is an observation of the same case at 144Hz:


    R344: When walking on the wall, it's twitching

    R336: When walking on a wall, keep animation playing.

    Apparently R344 is look better.

    In order to adapt to this change, I had to change the method of control player animation, so that walking on the wall can stop and no longer create dust particles. For example, in the case of CAE BRIDGE(#open=cave-bridge) , VectorX is used to judge based on the speed of movement.

    If possible, I wish Platform could have more control over the behavior near the wall. For example when close to a wall:

    - keep moving

    - slow down until stop

    - stop immediately