WRS's Forum Posts

  • How to be with Construct 3 ???

  • Try this:


    The other one is a direct download. No clue why it's not working.

    Yes, thanks a lot. This is different from my decision.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • WRS

    I would rather use the Anchor-behavior.

    I made a little example maybe it's helpful for you. You can test different resolutions with the "device toolbar" if you press F12 in your preview in FF or Chrome.


    He say:

    Bad Request

    Error 400

    Link is not work*(

  • The Platform Info object can tell you the screen size if you want to change things based on that.

    Thank you very much. I'll try to figure it out.

  • The tutorial says you mainly need to target an aspect ratio, not a specific resolution.

    Yes, I understood and do everything according to the textbook. But I would like to be able to determine the screen resolution, then it would be possible for each resolution to place the elements of the UI as it should.

    In this case, it would be possible to bring the interface to the right side on the iPad, and leave the game card itself on the left.

  • Tell me, who faced this problem and how it can be solved on their own until they made an update?

    Can someone tell me how to get around this problem quickly? Since without its solution it is impossible to pass the test in the AppStore.

    The problem is already a problem, you can get acquainted with it here: github.com/Scirra/Construct-3-bugs/issues/2840


  • Ashley made a tutorial about resolution and aspect ratio.


    I read this tutorial.

    But by that lack he does not save from all problems.

    It does not say how to determine the screen resolution and can it be done at all?

  • I think that many are faced with the problem of different resolutions on the phone and tablet. Share how to beat them?

    Obviously, scaling functions is not enough.

    So the picture and the elements of the interface say on the iphone 6 and on the ipad 12.9 does not fit the same.

    If you increase the scale through the scale, then on the iPad there will be strips on the sides (if we say you made the level itself wide for iphone 6), for example, the width of the level is 100 px and the width of the ipad is 500px in this case, what should I do?

    My thoughts are that you can solve these problems. If you somehow determine the screen resolution, I do not know if it is possible to do this in Construct 3?

    Or are there other ways?

    For example, the controls (Buttons and information) I build on the sides of the screen, regardless of resolution.

  • Yes I may start with on start of layout and set public key to your public key given by Google below that add add product and type in what ever product you want for example goldcoins10 no spaces or caps though then below that add complete product registration. Then simply add a Sprite on touch purchase your product name. Look at the forum below perfect example of it set up and working in action be careful she put all her products on 1 line they need to be seperated.


    If you need any more help let me know if I was home I'd just upload an example for you to copy.

    Yes, if you downloaded an example, it would be very much to the article. I would like to deal with this topic in detail. Thank you very much)

    Is there a difference between google and apple?

  • I've never used the ads in mobile games for two main reasons I'm not trying to discourage you from using them in any way but I think you should know this before using them. Number 1 no major company who publishes games nowadays uses them clash of clans for example. Number 2 as for why not a lot of players are not willing to play games with ads because they're annoying and the reality for you is ads don't pay you anything unless you have millions of players even then pennies per click emphasize the click part. Your much better off adding in-game currency players can purchase you'll make a lot more money$$$.

    So first I recommend reading this official documentation construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/plugin-reference/mobile-advert.

    So you can understand how to trigger the events correctly now its impossible to tell how your game is set up so ill give you a rough idea as best as I can

    Players health <or= 0 ---------------Create Banner

    system trigger once while true-------

    Is Banner Loaded---------------------Show Banner

    On Banner Shown----------------------system wait X Seconds

    ....X being how many seconds you want the player to have to stare at ad now if you use video instead I'm not sure how that works.

    Good day. Thank you very much for your answer. I do not fonat advertising itself. And while I'm just learning how to create games, I want to explore all aspects.

    I haven’t figured out the in-game purchases yet, that is, how to buy for example 5 more lives? If you could tell a good lesson with this, I was very grateful to you)

  • Faced here with this problem. Already reread a bunch of forums, but never found a solution to the problem.


    App Store Connect

    Dear Developer,

    We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "Edless Agent". Please correct the following issues, then upload again.

    Invalid Signature - A sealed resource is missing or invalid. The file at path [Name App.app/Name App] is not properly signed. Make sure you have signed your application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a development certificate. Verify that the code signing settings in Xcode are correct at the target level (which override any values at the project level). Additionally, make sure the bundle you are uploading was built using a Release target in Xcode, not a Simulator target. If you are certain your code signing settings are correct, choose "Clean All" in Xcode, delete the "build" directory in the Finder, and rebuild your release target. For more information, please consult developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Security/Conceptual/CodeSigningGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html

    Best regards,

    The App Store Team

  • Try this simple method.

    Open Xcode then open supportCheck.js replace this code:

    > "undefined"==typeof WebAssembly&&c.push("WebAssembly")


    > "C3_IsSupported"==typeof WebAssembly&&c.push("WebAssembly")

    Note: use this method only for run iOS simulator, when you build for release use the original supportCheck.js

    Video guide:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    BIG SANKS!)))

  • Untested, but this should work.

    > + System: On start of layout
    -> AdvancedRandom: Create permutation with Sprite.Count values starting at 0
    + System: Repeat 5 times
    + System: Pick Sprite instance AdvancedRandom.Permutation(LoopIndex)
    -> (no actions)

    Alternatively, rather than pick directly in the condition, you can save the randomized permutation numbers to an array or variable(s) for use later.

    I'm sorry, but I'm not a programmer, and you write some code that is not accessible to me. I understand that there is a code in Construct 3 and you can somehow manually edit it. But this is too incomprehensible to me.

    How to implement this without code with standard triggers?

  • As you can see, I want a platform rotating around a specific point. I'm using every tick to set the platform's location to the object in the back. Problem is, it's almost like the solid behaviour is playing catchup with the orbit, like there's a frame delay.

    You can see in the gif that it doesn't look good.

    Hoping there's a fix for this that I've missed.


    Maybe I do not quite understand what you mean.

    But to implement this, it is enough to set the behavior of the Orbit platform. And the character will interact beautifully with the platformer.

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