winkr7's Forum Posts

    I haven't kept up with this thread. Did I say how I would be glad to pay the subscription fee? It is a great product

    and I like it even better as pure browser.

    I will be glad to pay the subscription fee. It is worth it.

  • rexrainbow

    I have another suggestion. Frequently when following a path you encounter a solid. We could use a push_out_solid to path beyond solid. The idea is it skips past the solid to next free point on the path.

    Another suggestion: given a point find the nearest point on the path.

    Thanks for your time.



  • Hello;

    you are running a beta version of c2 (240) so I can't open it.

    However, just as a guess, are your obstacles standard solid obstacles? Make sure solid is enabled before you add them.

    As a final note, the obstacle map names are are based on the size of the boxes used to search for so if you have different box sizes you get different maps.



  • Rex Rainbow;

    I haven't used this yet, but I have a few suggestions from reading this thread:

    1) a built-in way to transfer the path from the "pathfinding" official addin. (I know you can do this

    by looping through the NodeXAt,NodeYAt pairs, but a load rex_splineFromPathfinding would be nice).

    2) a path-length (in pixels).

    Just suggestions.



  • pick object by UID

    object.x object.y

    thats all there is to it.

  • I saw an add for great abs on youtube. Why is it an Add for Abs?

  • Good Sir;

    Use a container for all the "parts"? They will get created the same time as the sprite.



  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello;

    I can create a new sprite on another layer in an event and set the x,y,angle,width,height to the sprite on the first layer but is there an easy copy command (I don't mean in the editor, I mean as an event)?

    thanks for your time



  • you can't read your contact page (using chrome browser) on your website. The left side is cut off.

  • Start by getting two levels to work in the most minimal way (ie you can play it). Then you will have some idea.

  • Writing a big project in C2 will teach you how to debug stuff--which is a language independent skill any computer programmer needs. Its hard to figure out if someone can debug in an interview, but when you get programmers who can, you don't care what language they happen to know, you just hire them.

    C2 programming will teach you how to debug (as will working in any computer language). The longer you keep working at programming the better you will get. Good firms don't care about the language and its details.

  • rexrainbow

    Thanks lots. It is working now.



  • rexrainbow


    I have found trouble with the remove edges action in the edge plugin.

    Line 48 of the capx file I have attached below. It does not recognize it properly at startup.

    delete edges works.

    I appreciate your plugins, and thankyou for your time.



  • Could you sell a watered down version for less? Or you don't want to flood the market with it?