Watter's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Does anybody have successful experience of using Gamesparks as a backend for Construct2 games?

  • Is that what you're looking for?


    Thank you! You made my day!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • > (...) but when you see what's in store, it'll be well worth it, and we're not just talking about the game jam!


    Something interesting in store that everybody will be happy about? Construct 3? [/quote Congratulations! Blind Ship is the 10th

  • Congratulation!!!

    Blind Ship is the 10th

  • There are 20 total winners, the 10 best game jam entries, and 10 randomly selected social media/competition entrants.

    Luckily it's significantly easier to pick 10 people at random!

    Sorry, I read wrong "4th - 10th places" - I don't know why, but I thought about 10 4th places .

    Of course, 10 + 10 winners

    Sorry again

  • A quick update - I'm currently playing through all the games along with the company director. Due to the logistics of not only playing 80+ games, deciding 10 winners and then contacting them, and then distributing prizes, I'm not confident on giving a firm announcement date, though rest assured, it will be soon.

    Elliott, why only 10, but not 23 winners? (13 for games and 10 "there's more")

    Imho, it will be very hard to choose 13 from 82 - so your task is not simple

    I hope to see my favourites ("Lights Out", "Pixlexia", "Tap in Light") among winners, but other games are also very interesting/

  • 6 posts