WackyToaster's Forum Posts

  • I didn´t receive any, maybe a typo?

    Either way, this is the basic setup for Firebase that I use


    Obviously you need to add the configuration to the script file for it to work, and also setup your database on firebase.

  • Potentially, but the focus is on games. It's game making software.

    I´d argue that GUIs are part of games and some games can also be rather GUI heavy. Not every game is your everyday platformer/shmup/flappybird clone #2983481. I agree with Fengist here, great examples.

    So from my side: Yes please, give us a way of layouting. Valerypopoff layouter thingy is ok-ish but I think this could be vastly improved upon by Scirra (considering they aren´t limited in what they can do with their engine)

    As I sort of imagine it: A layouter object that behaves like flexboxes (flex container), with the ability to drag&drop sprites, text objects, etc. into it and have them align like items (flex items) and also the ability to put flexboxes into flexboxes. Of course with actions to add/remove/etc. items at runtime.

    Or in other words just make flexboxes for Construct. This would be very convenient imo!

  • Sure, wackytoastersar@wackytoaster.at (Btw the website won´t allow you to copypaste emails regularely, lmao)

    Though I think it´s a good idea to also keep most of it in the forum, nothing is more infuriating than having a problem and finding a thread with something along the lines of "I email you the solution lol"

  • The main thing to do is read the documentation. I don´t know if you use firestore or the realtime database, but for firestore the documentation is here: firebase.google.com/docs/firestore



    Specifically how to get data


    As I said I don´t know if there are any plugins floating around, but it´s reasonably easy to do if you don´t shy away from javascript. If you want I can help you set this up.

  • Cute and gives me crash bandicoot vibes for obvious reasons

  • You could duplicate the first frame so the animation goes A - B - A

    Or you could add an event: On complete animation > Set frame to 0

    sorry for the noob question

    We all had noob questions at some point :)

  • You shouldn't set the speed to 0

  • I'd add that physics is a pretty closed system and adding stuff like drag&drop won't be properly handled by the physics. Well it does sort of work to some degree at least.

  • Don't know about plugins but you can do it with javascript too if you are up for it.

  • Are you using cloudsave? Google drive keeps old versions of files so check that. Not sure about the others.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Construct 3 does not require HTML imports support.

    Oh I see, was just a thought because it says HTMLImports right there in the screenshot :V

  • Wild guess, what chrome version are you using?

  • PS: I hope this is not to blunt to ask. It is not meant to be offensive.

    PPS: A native speaker could probably ask more politely (sorry about that).

    It´s all chill :)

    In this case I would like to know what kind of data a (quiz)game created with construct 3 sends (to whome)?

    This is up to you. You send what kind of data you want to send. Answers, Student names, IDs, etc. Construct doesn´t send out things on it´s own. And to whom is also up to you, you need a server or use firebase if you don´t have one or don´t want to buy one. Firebase is free unless you have bigger amounts of data.

    Final question: the answers would not be encrypted - right?

    It depends. If you use SSL the data will be send encrypted otherwise not. Or do you mean some other encryption? There´s also libraries that do encryption and decryption gist.github.com/jo/8619441

  • I think there is an inherent thing in human nature that makes gaining something feel good, even if it´s just a number going up.

  • This will be complicated with the platform behavior. What happens is that the ball checks if it has hit a wall every tick. But if it´s really fast, it may pass over the wall in one frame, thus never "hitting" it.

    Try the bullet behavior with stepping instead.
