WackyToaster's Forum Posts

  • There´s this addon but as I said I never used it. It probably works fine.


    For the sprite it´s quite easy. Take your current player object and remove all animations. Just keep one frame and make it a box of whatever color. Make sure that the collision polygon is a box and resize it to your needs. Then add a sprite with all the animations as you previously had. Select both, rightclick the box and do this

    A little arrow will show that they are connected. Set the box to be invisible and you´re done. The sprite will move along with the (invisible) box. The box will make sure everything stays consistent and you can do whatever animations you want with the sprite.

    I feel all this learning is eating up the time I actually want to spend in making the game

    That´s just what you gotta do

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  • I´m currently on the hunt for info or at least ways to contact him. I will update if I find anything useful but Colludium is quite an elusive person (but I still found a bunch of personal info). There is a possibility that he just quit everything, as he closed down his company a few months ago.

    EDIT: Well Paypal wasn´t exactly helpful. They just confirmed that his account exists but for anything else I should contact him. Either way, best chance to get to colludium is probably this email or his discord:



    Another way would be to... send him a letter to his (last known) address :V

  • I made a quick and dirty wallclimb mechanic but it´s not perfect.


    There´s a few things in the project that you should absolutely fix.

    1. The characters collision polygon is inconsistent. I fixed it in the project but ideally you have an invisible sprite in the background that represents the collision and doesn´t change at all and have the player sprite pinned to it.

    2. I think you should add something like a state machine to handle the players movement. Right now e.g. you can use your doublejump while climbing. Having a state machine would help with this. (There is even an addon but I haven´t used that)

    Basically you have a variable on the player that defines what state he is in, e.g. "if shift is down & has wall to left/right > set variable to climbing" and then you can easily check along the lines of "if player is (not) climbing > ... " Doing it like this helps as there is always a defined state the player is in rather than stuff like a climbing player could also be considered "in the air" and thus pressing W uses the double jump. Same goes for stuff like dashing, jumping, falling, attacking,... Hope that´s understandable.

  • Maybe try contacting itch.io support? What does it say when you try to buy one of his plugins?

  • Tomycase is right, negative values go up. However, I think there is still more wrong with it. Right now you have to hold W and ↑ for the character to climb. Unless that´s intended, you can use an OR-Block. (Right-click event > make OR-block)

  • With a tiled background it´s quite easy actually.

    Just pin it to the player and use this event.

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • 18 months? You missed quite a bunch of new stuff!

  • There´s the new scene graph feature that should work great for this. Containers + pinning works aswell but I think scene graph is the way to go. construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/behavior-reference/pin

    Select both the invisible sprite and the enemy sprite and right click to get the option. You can also do this via events. Check out the example projects in construct.

  • I´ve looked at it and yes, it´s a shifting collision polygon. It´s the animation that causes one part of the enemy to poke below the platform and the engine thinks it dropped through. A simple fix is to set it at least semi-consistent by making it look like this and use "apply to whole animation"

    The same goes for the player btw. but he seems fine, probably just by chance. Ideally you would want to use an invisible sprite for the hitbox that is consistent and have the visible sprite pinned to it.

  • I cannot access the link (403 forbidden)

    Generally there is some weirdness with jump-through that´s been going on for a while with a variety of quirks. Possibly the hitbox of the enemy changes enough when mirroring that the engine thinks it´s not on the platform anymore. Maybe the platform itself has the hitbox off in some way. Sometimes you can work around such things but it´s hard to say without the file.

  • No. That's what an instance is. It's the same object but not the same instance. Think two apples, both are the same object but you can eat one without eating the other.

  • Set text to int(Game_Time)

  • Can´t help you if you don´t post the file. Generally press F12 in the editor and check the console logs when you try to open the file. This should give you a first hint as to what is wrong.

  • I don´t mind it really but I think it´s perhaps a bit oddly placed, it splits apart the title from the first post. Maybe putting it below the first post would be better? If it really annoys you, most adblockers have a function where you can block an element on a webpage and it won´t show up anymore for you.