vtrix's Forum Posts

  • custom loadscreen hd — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>cool looking hd loadscreen/startscreen</p><p>with 2 nice starting templates ready to use</p><p>you get all objects as a seperate png</p><p>many combinations possible, extra examples are also provided and can be used to combine</p><p>have fun creating your unique screen!</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about custom loadscreen hd

  • not working active with construct for a while, so i didn't tested, but autocomplete would be great, not a big fan of the text list.(but better then not)

    but how would it work exactly? I call my function object just "f" so something like f.myFunction("add","1","1")

    (when typing f. you get the list of custom functions + normal function methods)

  • Sci-Fi Illumina Fleet — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>High detail, realistic feel, drag and drop ready for any top-down sci-fi adventure! Fight or command the fleet, you decide...</p><p>This pack features:</p>

    • 24 ships
    • multiple classes/sizes
    • mothership, big ships , medium fighters, small attackers
    • bonus effects & projectiles
    • works well with different color space background
    • ships fit very well with light effects and glows

    <p>when purchased, you get every ship and fx in png file + psd with all ships and effect on one page on different layers + pdf with thumbnailview of the items and filename for reference</p><p>if you have questions, suggestions, feel free to email me</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Sci-Fi Illumina Fleet

  • Mahuki its in the system action list, its not a behavior

    reviewing my previous post, it might be better to

    only limit the scrollx by setting the scrollto only if the character.x is larger than 500 (leftstartposition)

    and you can offset the scrollY by setting scrollto character.y-150 for example (this will move the screen up 150pixels and hide the white space)

  • Ashley

    can this method i use for fixing seams in individual sprite tiles, not be used for tilemap?

    example 16*16 tiles / resizing-scale canvas and zooming works

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/616 ... index.html

    to convert this method to tilemap, i think something like this needs to happen.

    so it would need a new generated/adjusted texture and tiles should be created with keeping the generated size in mind. (if you want to keep to size2 rule)

    split image in array, tiles need to stay in displayorder of the sourcetexture, add 1px transparent border to each tile and fill this surrounding border with the vertical and horizontal adjacent pixelcolor of the tile (what essentialy is the fix for spritetiles) (actually if this works perfectly the displayorder shouldn't matter, but i cant test this because i only have 1 pixel padding per 2 tiles on exported map, so displayorder (grouped tiles) is essential in this case, and is also reason why i couldn't get it to work the first times)

    the tiles in the end, use the correct size but use the coordinates of the padded tiles.

    this will remove bleeding, will not show the transparent seam, plus if color value's mix on border of tile, it will mix same color of the padded border, so not visible.

    the tilemap could use the generated texture to pick from, the array should be thesame, but could display it without the padding.

    any reason why this should not work?

  • Mahuki , if you are using system scrollto player.position and your layout is set to unbounded scrolling

    then you need a condition to limit the scrollto,..combine a scrollx and y test (scrollx/y is center of screen)

    system | compare if scrollx is bigger then, for example 500 , (value probably will be screenwidth/2)

    system | compare if scrolly is less then, for example 500

    action | scrollto player.position

    so it will only scroll if these conditions are true

    as always there are many ways to improve on this logic, but this is the basics

    hope this helps

  • sqiddster , Ashley

    if you remove the backspace graphic from the spritesheet (just under the joystick graphic) the problem is gone, so it has something to do with that, the more you go to minimal scale (browserwindow) the obvious the problem is on all of them.

    i also thought because there's so much transparent area that this couldn't happen, but i actually doesn't matter, because its the other graphic on the atlas thats bleeding into the transparent area of the joystick, my guess is that the space between the backspace button and the transparent area of the joystick is not enough, this is a case where more padding between graphics on the atlas could be helpfull. you maybe could fix it here by using more transparent area around the backspace graphic.

    ps: if you dont scale the window its not visible

  • moymoymoy sgn15 actually you should not use for each, definatly not for collisions, a collision will pick the instances that are in the collision, and also the correct familymember(instance)

    if you say on collision family, substract 1 from familyVar "live" (use only familyvars!) only the familymember in the collision will substract 1 from "live"

  • besides modularity

    would like to see improvements on functions

    shortcut to functions (much less scrolling, less distraction)

    variable functionnames (to better rescoping, improve clarity of function)

    variables that directly initiate parameters ( as setting a variable for each parameter gets tiring and not clean)

    maybe functionality to collapse things without subeventing/grouping

    for me a function is always subevented, because i want to collapse and minimize the code

    also better search (no disabling events, just colorindicated and goto next searchterm)

  • RenatoB, thats exactly what it does it picks all the instance in the same event that are evaluated in the expression

    the same what you want to achieve with the && (i think c2 only uses &, even for expressions)

    maybe an example showing you is more clear


    i got the idea from this paragraph in "Guide to Construct 2's advanced event features"

    [quote:1hfuj7k2]Note how in ordinary 'AND' blocks, subsequent conditions filter out instances not meeting the event - progressively reducing the number of picked instances. In contrast, 'OR' blocks add instances meeting the event - progressively increasing the number of picked instances.

    working directly with "or" blocks wouldn't work, but by using the evaluate it does..

  • RenatoB

    regarding multi uid select

    reading up on expression the OR expression adds to selection

    pick sprite by evaluate

    Sprite.UID= 1 | Sprite.UID= 2 | Sprite.UID= 3 do something works..

  • RenatoB did you actually try this condition, i think you can combine picking like this / edit: nope you cant

    pick sprite instance 0

    pick sprite instance 7

    pick sprite instance 5

    you could make them variables and update the numbers when needed

  • RenatoB , yet another way would be to push the uid you want to check in an array, then for each x, pick uid at array.at(curx) and compare whatever

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  • restore/maximize window browser (middle button browser)

    i doesn't seem to work with browser resize trigger, any suggestion?

    its for positioning elements on trigger

    is this a known limitation?

  • so yes for fixing seams, (only for sprite tiles)

    (this is from my first test, so i dont know yet what can be modified and what not)

    original map i imported in c2

    i added 1pixel padding around clusters (so they don't touch there borders and also not touch other clusters)

    too better show the 16pixel grid and placement

    import > this is in import sprite strip

    notice that i only use 7*16 tiles, instead of, 8*16 tiles that would fit a 128 texture, this is because the automatic texturepacker adds a 1px transparent border around the tiles, if you use 8 it will scramble you imageclusters in different textures

    (note, in this example i could have filled the 7th row with something)

    after export (this is the actual map i used in tiled, again not yet totally sure if i could also use the originial

    modified texture, i start at the top dragged the pixels from just above the 1px gap on top of the transparent area (you can drag a whole row over it) then did the same from left to right, (you wont notice this as instead of a transparent line it will be the same color pixel that gets blurred in)

    this can be done pretty fast, the outside borders (off the full texture) i just filled in with the grass color

    replace the original exported with the modified, result


    so yes, its not the perfect workflow, but i hope this helps, and i hope there's a better workflow in the future