vtrix's Forum Posts

  • Ashley

    if a single object animation is spritesheeted on two sheets, does that mean, it needs to switch constantly between them? with other words

    as long as it fits a 2048 texture, would it not be better for it to be on 1 sheet,

    like instead of 2x512 = 1*1024 ?

    or maybe even a 512 * 1024 ?

    or anyone else has a explaination?

  • you dont have too believe me but they are faster, these are choiches you have depending on what you need from the app, its not sloppy, making optimizing that have little impact is counterproductive, ofcourse there are general programming rules that make for better code and should be used

  • instead of regular text plugin yes, buttons could be graphics and are faster and more ways too change look, depends strongly on what you need it for, it might be better too make the app first , then to get caught in optimizing like its mentioned, just letting you know

  • I think you also better use spritefonts if you want best performance, works pretty much thesame and is faster, more important if you have moving and updating text..

  • simply said , we need containers that are far more powerfull then what we have now, it just doesn't cut it for complex object structure, what is needed if you want to have great UI, fitting shapes, text and icons, multiple states

    you can call it container, group or structure, or should i dare call it a movieclip ??

    working with the different object types becomes way to complex

    pinning each object or making your own structure for following objects > complexity

    9 scale that is want to use, is not usefull as it has no frames, so you need a new object for each style = extra complexity

    Ashley i wonder if you have some sort of plan of implementing a new way of "structuring" objects or do you think this is not needed ?

  • [quote:35hx5wka]Modularity is definitely an interesting area to explore in future

    this worries me a bit,

  • blurtsmum good luck !

  • blurtsmum

    spriter animations are specialised for.. well.. the spriter software

    i also posted my animations under graphics, so your good, your product will probably be activated today,

    if you upload you most likely get activated the day after, and sometimes in weekend also, not always

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  • +1 definatly, and i think i have suggested this already as i experience the same thing, but i believe its again a matter of limitations in the editor. the only thing you can do i maximizing you projecttab height, and start dividing them in folder you can see

    edit, yes also good tip Nimos

  • in the end you will realise that everthing in this world works as a parent - child relation, thats why we need an objectstructure, and this is simular as a family in family

  • i were still talking about construct, then you can be a member of multiple families too

    maybe, two families are members of the west side "group/gang" and are moving both to eastside, while one family has guns and the other on has bats

    or one is with cars and the other one on foot but both go in the same direction

  • newt are you saying we should call it gang instead of groups ? then i agree, its indeed all thesame rapped into another name, but naming things is a big part of programming dont you know that

    what can a gang do that a family can't, thinking on that one

  • this would be actually best done in a group functionality, if you see a group as positional nullobject

    you could see it as a "layer" and offset however you want, it can be everywhere, can have multiple families in it

    you can add and remove things from it, a group is a parent of all children that are in it works on sprites, you can destroy groups, ...

    move and rotate would update the world position of all sprites in it

    maybe you could add additional events to groups that can work on multiple families